
Right click on your picture, and you should see the property of the file in HTTP URL format, do a copy.

Then to have your picture show up here, just use the IMG tag before and after the URL that you copied. Do not put the period, I used it to show you the format. Also, no spaces between the URL and the tag itself.

EX: [I.M.G]http://pictureURL[/I.M.G]

like this:
I don't even use the periods in
- copy and paste the web address info between the two and you are good to go.
Also don't forget to remove the .org.jpg tag from the end of the URL. Imagestation does not allow a direct picture link to the original picture. Removing the .org.jpg will allow a smaller picture like the one Silver One posted for you above to appear.

Unless they changed their rules because I can actually see your large picture that you just posted:confused:
The image you are trying to hyperlink is the original as shown in the web address here> http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid95/p37178d06920d906dc8fbea16c72e20f0/fa322ee2.jpg.orig.jpg (see the orig in the address?) The only pics you can link are the smaller versions as SilverOne did for you. The address of that pic is http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid95/p54fc0e71354db76962d594be18531326/fa322d67.jpg (notice there is no orig in the address?) When you reply, there are vB code tags located above the text you are typing, which lets you insert and image into your message. One is IMG and if you click on it, a script box will appear with the text to be formatted. This is where you will paste the web address of the imagestation link you want to use.
Take care,
John ;)
If you need to hyperlink a web address, use the http vB code button, not the IMG one. I'll post the invite to NSX album you are trying to post for you here. PM me for details, as it's easy to do this stuff with the controls provided.
John ;)