test post

29 February 2000
St. Petersburg

[This message has been edited by TampaBayNSX-R (edited 24 December 2002).]

[This message has been edited by TampaBayNSX-R (edited 24 December 2002).]
Can't make that link work Tampa Bay - that string just does not want to be linked to. Sorry - I tried!
Nice steering wheel glove!

Lud - there's something strange going on - it might be because of the length of the URL
(I had similar problem trying to hyperlink with a very long URL address on a previous occasion)
I found that in the address Tampa Bay is using, there are characters after the .jpg, however if you drop these & go directly to the address, the pic still appears; I thought perhaps the UBB code wanted the .jpg at the end; however, if you insert this revised string between the UBB codes, it displaces the closing code, inserting a space between the "[/i" & "mg]". This is too weird, tried to edit several times & it keeps putting that space in there!

[This message has been edited by D'Ecosse (edited 24 December 2002).]
<img src="http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0UADjAgAYr7qsQMyGaxBBB!0T7kUCx00XWZUjiYWln7wVsS!UWuh0KpX0ywTZ5vH1hGMvALsLM0aifZcf1EbqPs!R4ZAaIJSIfKfwMp6PLlhTAGgAxbzrN4yC2g8ccNoP/EXPO-212.jpg>

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 24 December 2002).]
UBB code doesn't like the long URL. If you do it as HTML it works (as above) but UBB still freaks out a little bit. If I put nothing after the img tag it whacks out the right column width. If I put text right after the img tag, the extra space you mentioned ends up in that text. Weird.

P.S. Nice picture of Ben...

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 24 December 2002).]