TCS yellow light on

28 July 2002
Northern VA
My TCS malfunction light on the dash (not the TCS off or the TCS activated light) sometimes comes on during highway driving. The manual says it is a warning light, to pull over and restart the engine. Is this a sign of a problem or just a computer glitch?
Originally posted by SmittyCat:
My TCS malfunction light on the dash (not the TCS off or the TCS activated light) sometimes comes on during highway driving. The manual says it is a warning light, to pull over and restart the engine. Is this a sign of a problem or just a computer glitch?

There are three TCS lights on the dash???
Yes, that is correct. There is the TCS Activated light, the TCS OFF indicator light, and the yellow malfunction TCS light.

This is according to the 91 service manual page 19-74.
It is a sign of a problem (a computer glitch is a problem too!)

Are you running weird tire sizes?

Have you pulled the trouble code?