TCS engaging unexpectedly

25 March 2007
Knoxville, TN / Montgomery, AL

I bought my NSX in early August with 59K miles and I've put 7K miles on her. :redface: :biggrin:

I drive the car very easy and do not abuse her at all.

Having said that, last week I was leaving a stop and was rolling on the throttle when it felt like it was being restricted. Soon after, the TCS light flashed once or twice and then I was off and going again.
I was on the throttle so easy, I almost didn't notice it. I thought I had done something and made it engage the TCS so I didn't think anymore of it.

Today I'm driving, and it does the same thing, except it was very brief. I was watching the dash to see if the TCS light would come on and, sure enough, it flashed once.

Is this a problem with the TCS or a system related to the TCS? ( ABS or TPS maybe? )

Or am I just being ignorant and doing something stupid? :tongue:

Thanks in advance! :biggrin:

I had a similar problem acouple of years ago and it turned out to be a bad wheel sensor. The wheel sensors get/give feedback from both the abs and tcs . However, in my case, I think, if my memory is correct, that both the abs and tcs lights would come on. Do a code scan to see if anything is triggered. Also, when I first got the car, it had the wrong sized wheels installed on it and that also would trigger the tcs system.
I checked the main relay about a month ago when I had a no-start problem.

It turned out to be bad battery connectors, but I verified that the main relay was not the problem.

I haven't checked the ignition switch.

I'm running the 94 -01 OEM 16/17s with OEM tire sizes on a 1991. Will this do any harm? The rear diameter didn't change ( due to aspect ratio ), but the front tire diameter changed almost an inch.
Sounds like a wheel sensor to me. The OEM wheels should not set off the TCS. There is a certain front-to-rear wheel diameter ratio that needs to be met. I'm sure OEM is well within spec.
I'm running the 94 -01 OEM 16/17s with OEM tire sizes on a 1991. ... The rear diameter didn't change ( due to aspect ratio ), but the front tire diameter changed almost an inch.

Now that's an odd statement. Changing from 15/16" OEM to 16/17" OEM should make both F&R diameters change. With OEM wheels there will not be a problem unless you've got very unusual tyre sizes. If you take the wheels off and stand a front next to a rear on a flat surface the rear should be approx 30mm (1.25") taller than front.

What are the tyre sizes / profiles you have now?
Did the TCS problem first show up soon after changing tyres?
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Now that's an odd statement. Changing from 15/16" OEM to 16/17" OEM should make both F&R diameters change. With OEM wheels there will not be a problem unless you've got very unusual tyre sizes. If you take the wheels off and stand a front next to a rear on a flat surface the rear should be approx 30mm (1.25") taller than front.

What are the tyre sizes / profiles you have now?
Did the TCS problem first show up soon after changing tyres?
I had the same problem and couldnt figure it out for the life of me. i took it in and it turned out to be that the chip inside the computer was loose. So check that out and maybe that could be your problem too.
Just so we're on the same page here. Are you talking about the red "TCS" light on the top center of the cluster, or the green (can't remember what it says) TCS activity light that is lower down?

didn't realize the original post was so old, have you figured it out yet?
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Or if you don't feel like addressing it right away, pull the TCS fuse under the hatch. No more TCS.

Car will drive just fine. Just be careful when it's slick out. Wet or dry, it's loads more fun this way.