Tail of the Dragon (Deals Gap) March 23rd - 25th

Thanks for posting excellent shots of the perp crossing all over the line. Were those just before the accident or at some time earlier?

Those shots were from earlier that day...possibly right before the incident...11:09am is the camera data...if my partner Keith had it set right. He lives in Central time zone.
I would say that car is fixable for sure. Heck, you may want to consider asking the insurance agent what amount you could accept as settlement and still keep the car with a clear title. We did this with my Accord and it worked out fine. They offered us $XX,XXX and we accepted a few hundred less than that, kept the car with a clear title, fixed it, and all was well.
...Best shot of my car ever.


This pic is great. Those Superleggeras look awesome!
You guys won't believe this. I got a letter from state farm today stating that they investigated, and MY VEHICLE CROSSED THE CENTER LINE. I am so mad I have been sitting hear with tears in my eyes. The lady representing the other guy read the police report to me,and it clearly states that he crossed the yellow and hit me. Because he went to the hospital and only gave a statement to the sherriff, and not the reporting officer the state trooper, state farm says it's my word against his. I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS....

Can anyone recommend a lawyer, or what to do in this situation? I mean, look at this thread and the pictures. I guess I am going to have to get a lawyer, as I am out several thousand dollars with my deductible, and my rental fees... Not to mention how this claim will affect my insurance from here on out....

I am just in shock....
Sorry to hear that. :mad: I think the company is just trying to find any way out of it and hoping that people just give up and take it. You definitely have the facts on your side so fight their ruling and you should prevail. Try to find a lawyer who's done these kind of things before and not just an ambulance chaser. Good luck.

i feel for you....but...

you are ok... that is the most important..

you have facts and proofs on your side....so... when that appens...fight all you can....go to the last consequences...

last, and least important of all...in Portugal that rim is quite popular...i can look up if you give me all the sizes..:wink: :wink:
You guys won't believe this. I got a letter from state farm today stating that they investigated, and MY VEHICLE CROSSED THE CENTER LINE. I am so mad I have been sitting hear with tears in my eyes. The lady representing the other guy read the police report to me,and it clearly states that he crossed the yellow and hit me. Because he went to the hospital and only gave a statement to the sherriff, and not the reporting officer the state trooper, state farm says it's my word against his. I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS....

Can anyone recommend a lawyer, or what to do in this situation? I mean, look at this thread and the pictures. I guess I am going to have to get a lawyer, as I am out several thousand dollars with my deductible, and my rental fees... Not to mention how this claim will affect my insurance from here on out....

I am just in shock....
But it's not your word against his as you have Shannon and the others that where there and witnessed the whole thing. Not to mention the police report that states that HE crossed the line.

Definately get a lawyer. If this goes to court, State Farm has to know it will loose. In fact, I'd just go after the guys insurance its self and waive the lawyer and report in their face. Believe me, no insurance company wants to go to court and pay all the legal fees associated with a case in court...especially with so much evidence supporting your case.
You definetly need a lawyer! You also need to get the Sherriff that took his statement subpoenaed, so that he can tell what he said under oath! That will be a heavy hit against their case.

I have a friend in Knoxville that works with the legal community daily, well he does Federal work, but I'm sure he can recommend the best attorney if you want me to ask.
You definetly need a lawyer! You also need to get the Sherriff that took his statement subpoenaed, so that he can tell what he said under oath! That will be a heavy hit against their case.

I have a friend in Knoxville that works with the legal community daily, well he does Federal work, but I'm sure he can recommend the best attorney if you want me to ask.

As do I. Let us know if you need anything.
Final Conclusion to the story...

After getting to the office with the letter about the guy being in my lane, and being prepared to call up my adjuster and not be very nice, SHE calls ME, and basically says that she found out the same thing, and was very upset, and was going to work on it for me. She couldn't believe it either, and said that the IL claims office was not very nice to her on the phone either. After a few days, she gets it all straight, as the trooper was an accident reconstruction specialist, and gave an amended statement. Whoohoooo. I got my deductible about 3 days later, and just opened the mail to find my rental fees reimbursed. I was holding off posting anything until EVERYTHING was settled. So case is closed, no lawyers involved, and even though we both were with State Farm, my agent got her job done, and the guy that hit me was proven to be a lying POS. I now have about a quarter less mortgage payment, and a nice redneck truck that I bought for under 3K... I guess I am out of the high end sportscar game for a while, but it's OK. All this has made me realize that no matter how much you love something material, it's only a "thing" and things go away. Thought I had that figured out when my ex took all the furniture and I had to sell the house, but since I had control over the car it never crossed my mind. I thought I would have the NSX until I was ready to part with it (many many years from now) and although I am still very sad about the situation, I have put myself in a better financial frame of mind,and made my future better because of it.

Growing up sucks, but I guess we all got to do it sometime...

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Final Conclusion to the story...

After getting to the office with the letter about the guy being in my lane, and being prepared to call up my adjuster and not be very nice, SHE calls ME, and basically says that she found out the same thing, and was very upset, and was going to work on it for me. She couldn't believe it either, and said that the IL claims office was not very nice to her on the phone either. After a few days, she gets it all straight, as the trooper was an accident reconstruction specialist, and gave an amended statement. Whoohoooo. I got my deductible about 3 days later, and just opened the mail to find my rental fees reimbursed. I was holding off posting anything until EVERYTHING was settled. So case is closed, no lawyers involved, and even though we both were with State Farm, my agent got her job done, and the guy that hit me was proven to be a lying POS. I now have about a quarter less mortgage payment, and a nice redneck truck that I bought for under 3K... I guess I am out of the high end sportscar game for a while, but it's OK. All this has made me realize that no matter how much you love something material, it's only a "thing" and things go away. Thought I had that figured out when my ex took all the furniture and I had to sell the house, but since I had control over the car it never crossed my mind. I thought I would have the NSX until I was ready to part with it (many many years from now) and although I am still very sad about the situation, I have put myself in a better financial frame of mind,and made my future better because of it.

Growing up sucks, but I guess we all got to do it sometime...

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Glad to hear everything worked out for you. Sad to hear you may not be back in the NSX game for a while. Any word on where your car ended up?