Tail lens

I can see Ken's point.

However, some of these questions being posted up do not only benefit the person asking (NSX owner or not), but also people who will be doing searches in the future.

I just recently did a search on "worn seats" and bumped a thread that was started back in April 2002 because I needed more information than what was posted. Sure enough, more people responded in a couple of days to help me out.

All in all, I don't mind questions being asked in this forum--from NSX owners or NSX enthusiast. As long as the question is intelligent enough that the answers can benefit others. Some people just have more issues with it, that's all.
Move on if you don't want to waste time

WARNING: This is a post of no particular subject directly to the NSX but that of the relationship of the NSXprime community and I... if you don't want your time being wasted move on then. I just had to include it lol

Well to bring up a post from the dead is just odd to do but today I felt like checking out all of my old posts. It's just really funny to see how much this forum has been part of my life, how much I have changed, and surprisingly how I influenced a change on this forum too.... I'm not kidding seriously.... the current look of prime was due to me initializing the idea of a change of it's layout back in 2003. I'm surprised I totally forgot that I started it lol (http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22094&highlight=Midnight_Raven)

As some of you may recall I was contemplating on whether I would give up my dream of owning and modifying to my liking "MY" NSX in this thread (http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=91753&highlight=Midnight+Raven) and well I've got the fire burning again, that's right the dream is still living. Ken whether you like it or not, I WILL own a NSX hence I initially wrote back in 2002 and still calling it "MY" NSX. It may not be in my possession at the moment but the only thing that could stop me from buying that specific NSX is death itself lol...

Either way I am about to graduate college as an Mechanical Engineer and I already have a set job (today it's been confirmed officially :))... Originally I thought 2010 was doubtfully the earliest I would be able to buy an NSX and it seems possible that it can happen in 2010 rather than later.

Well I just wanted to thank you people who have always been giving me encouraging words, never doubting me, and always looking at the bright side of things just like I try to do:). To all those that hated on me... "F*** off" lol..(I kid, I kid) I have to thanks to you guys too. The negativity helped me grow and realize something important things about life too so I'm grateful for your negativity as well ;).

Cheers :D
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