Tail lens

21 September 2002
Lawrence, MA
I just wanted to know what company makes realy dark tail lens for the nsx. I have only seen one nsx with very dark taillights and i think that looks realy cool.

I also wondering what would happen if you just tinted your tail lens like people do to thier window. I think it could be done and might look good if installed properly. It is probably cheaper and an other alternative than buying new tail lights.

Please answers these questions if you can.
I was actually thinking of doing this myself before I changed my mind. It shouldn't be a hard task, but I suggest that if you decide to do this, don't use the window tint film; instead, use a hobby tint spray (the ones they use on model cars). The tint spray can be purchased at any hobby shop for under 10 USD. BTW, I am not sure of any shop that makes taillights for the NSX, but I am sure you can send your existing taillamps to an Audi/Mercedes/BMW/VW specialty shop (since this seems to be a popular mod among its owners) and have them tint it for you. Here's an example of smoked W124 rear lens

Just a suggestion... On the lights I have seen done, so much of the black paint needs to be applied to the inside of the lens (since the lens is bright red) that it blocks much of the light from transmitting through the brake & turn signals. You may wish to consider these from Japan:

-- Chris

Revolutionize your NSX with ScienceofSpeed
www.ScienceofSpeed.com | [email protected] | 877-863-4520
Actually Chris, rather than tinting the inside of the lenses, it might be a lot easier for Midnight_Raven to just tint the outside. 3 coats of hobby spray tint should do the job. Of course, it's probably not going to look as good as the OE Honda units. Personally, I think if you have a black NSX (like I do
), you should keep the red tails, it makes for an awesome contrast both day and night.
Thanks for replying almost forgot that i posted this.

Tell me if you like what i'm planning to do to my nsx. First i want to buy all carbon fiber body panels. I'm trying to keep the stock look. Then buy the new type-r hood. After that i plan to paint the nsx into a kaiser silver. (MY favorite color). Then make the tail lens darker like your friends car. Also tint my windows. Buy this realy nice rim that everyone else probably has. Then work on the inside so that is has this black and white theme. Then do some engine mods and suspension work. Hopefully shaving the weight of the nsx to around 2,400 or 2,500. Sure might sound wierd but that is what i want to do to my nsx. I don't plan to sell it to anyone. I want to keep it till the end. Then pass it down to someone with the same passion for the car, when i'm too old.

All in all my car will be a track and show car. (Track meaning the road courses not drag strips. I don't like drag racing.)
Originally posted by Midnight_Raven:
Tell me if you like what i'm planning to do to my nsx.

Wait until you're old enough to drive, and then wait until you graduate high school, and then wait until you graduate college, and then wait until you've got enough money to buy an NSX, and then wait until you've got enough money for the mods, and then ask us and we'll tell you.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 15 October 2002).]
Dude, why you gotta dash his dreams?

Actually, a 2400lb sleeper NSX would be neat to see. If he does it, he'll be able to sell the kit for bookoo bucks.

[This message has been edited by PHOEN$X (edited 15 October 2002).]
Originally posted by PHOEN$X:
Dude, why you gotta dash his dreams?

I'm not dashing his dreams. But he is wasting our time.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 16 October 2002).]
Come on nsxtasy look what fourm you are in.
He is just asking a question in the proper fourm thats not out of line liten up.
Besides judging by how many posts you have you got all the time in the world to waste!:]
Originally posted by prov4re:

Besides judging by how many posts you have you got all the time in the world to waste!:]
I think that's pretty harsh.

From what I've seen here, Ken is an extremely knowledgable guy, and to me, his post count reflects how much he's helped this community.


2001 QuickSilver Corvette Coupe - Not Stock [503 RWHP, 545 RWTQ]

2002 Black Acura 3.2 TL/S

It was not ment to be harsh at all.
And your right Ken knows his stats thats for sure. But to say he is wasting our time is like telling him to get lost. Thats harsh:]
Dreaming is fun... if you don't dream and set goals you'll never achieve much.

But a small reality check on two points:

1. There is no full carbon fiber body kit for the NSX. Even if there was, it wouldn't really cut off THAT much weight because the aluminum panels are surprisingly light to begin with.

2. The only way to get an NSX down to around 2400 lbs is to heavily strip it down. Stereo, AC, interior, maybe replace some glass with Lexan, etc. For a reference, look at Doug Hayashi's car.
Originally posted by prov4re:
to say he is wasting our time is like telling him to get lost. Thats harsh:]

Look. He's a 15-year-old boy, who doesn't even have his driver's license yet. I can only assume that he has a long way to go before he will start earning a living, based on his pipe dream (getting Honda to give him an NSX
) which displays lack of knowledge about how the real world works. He has problems with spelling and grammar that are much poorer than most kids his age who are planning to go to college, and I wonder whether this is even in his plans. What's quite clear is that there is no way he is going to be buying an NSX for quite a number of years. Yet he's masquerading as an NSX owner who needs advice on how he's going to mod his NSX, which sounds fraudulent to me. Is that wasting our time? Tell me how it's not.

Many people have been complaining lately about how the NSXprime forums have gone downhill due to trolls who are not NSX owners, who are wasting the time of owners and some of whom (not Midnight Raven) come here just to goad us on. This is a prime example (no pun intended).
Ok, let's all go for a drive in our NSX's/Corvettes/Playstations
Ahhh...doesn't that feel much better?

Seriously, no hard feelings here guys. I agree that some of those NSX bashing threads (this not being one of them) do tend to get old, but they go away after a while. I'm rather flattered that this "kid" thinks so highly of the NSX (I remember being a "kid" dreaming about owning one not so long ago too
). Besides, it's nice to fantasize once in a while, and where else better to talk about it than here, crazy or not? And it's not like the NSX is a Ferrari or Lamborghini that every school age boy dreams about--or that we're getting flooded with wishful thinkers. One of the greatest things about this forum (and makes me proud to be a member of this community) is that we're so friendly toward everyone, and can talk about almost anything.

Anyway, during my brief time on here the vast majority of it has been positive and enjoyable. In the end, that's all that matters IMO.

[This message has been edited by PHOEN$X (edited 18 October 2002).]
and some of whom (not Midnight Raven) come here just to goad us on. This is a prime example (no pun intended).[/B][/QUOTE]
Then I must be reading in to this wrong.
I think most of the NSX bashing threads can be sourced to a couple of individuals. Sadly, those individuals own NSXs. I will not name these posters. I don't have to. Everyone knows who I am talking about.
Originally posted by Edwardo:
I think most of the NSX bashing threads can be sourced to a couple of individuals. Sadly, those individuals own NSXs. I will not name these posters. I don't have to. Everyone knows who I am talking about.

Ahhh... you must be referring to Mr. 6500+ posts.

There's always a couple peeps like this with any line of cars. It sucks how it takes only one person though to bring down an entire gorup. I'm not directing this towards any one individual. I merely am speaking in a generalization.
just wanted to say that ive found nsxtasy to be very helpful on numerous occasions, and his contributions are important to this sites success. i hope everybody can keep that in mind when they disagree with his posts.

by the way, ken, keep in mind that some of these juvies may grown up to be billionaires. i think we all know a few rich guys that were juvenile idiots a few years back. LOL.

by the way, i wasnt talking about ken or I, well maybe me but im hardly rich.
I don't have a problem with pre-driving teenagers visiting the site, or even posting to the site. However, I think they ought to be honest about their intentions. I've seen younger people post here saying, "I'm a huge fan of the NSX, and even though I'm only a kid, I hope to own one some day. I was wondering..." And I think that's okay; it may add to the posting volume, but at least they're being honest about what they're up to.

Where I object is when a youngster says things like, "I'm trying to keep the stock look" and "Sure might sound wierd but that is what i want to do to my nsx." Pretending to be an owner, or a soon-to-be-owner, when that is clearly far from the truth. Seeking advice and help under false pretenses, advice and help on the part of NSXprime members for something that just ain't gonna happen (or, at least, not for many years).