Sweet Red NSX-T spotted ....... in a math book

13 November 2004
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I am teaching an intro math course at Sheridan College this year and I was preparing my lecture for tonight and came across the following picture in the textbook .... maybe it's my bias, but it looks like an NSX to me! My only concern is why the person is only doing 60mph in it!

Certainly am .... and this is the end of the course as well ... the beginning focused on addition/subtraction/multiplication/division ... the course is designed for people who haven't taken math in a while or for those who have been educated outside of North America.

It's meant as a "refresher" course and is also supposed to solidify people's understanding of basic math concepts.
Thats pretty cool! I hated those questions with a passion. I STILL never seem to get them right LOLl:redface:
That's an NSX alright. As for the math problem, here's my answer. The beater Ford will breakdown and the NSX driver will obviously travel faster than the posted speed limit, so the answer is 1hr30mins.

let x=hours
so 60x + 30x = 150
solving for X = 150/90 ~ 1.67 hours
so .67 of 1 hour (or 60minutes) = ~40.2

so final answer is 1 hour and 40min?

Its been awhile hahaha
I am teaching an intro math course at Sheridan College this year and I was preparing my lecture for tonight and came across the following picture in the textbook .... maybe it's my bias, but it looks like an NSX to me! My only concern is why the person is only doing 60mph in it!


100 minutes or 1-2/3 hours ( I realize that reads like 1 minus 2/3 hours(which is not the answer) but I wasn't sure how to put the bar over 1.666 to indicate repeating hence the 1 and 2/3 hours, also why I put 100 minutes:wink: )

But more importantly....will the plane fly:biggrin:
It all depends. It depends on his mods. Is it stock? Is it supercharged? Is it turbo? etc.

There is not right answer to this question. It is a trick question.

He might be traveling 60 mph now, but he can easily accelerate faster in 150 miles.


You guys are both wrong. Its not a Saturn, Crown Vic, or Ford....Its the next generation NSX comning out 2009. Get your deposits ready!!!!!
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Is one of the cars on a treadmill that matches the wheels velocity exactly? :biggrin:
Im just saying that you would see the drivers side rear tire under the car..the perspective is pretty tweaked in that drawing...maybe i've been to one too many design critiques.:rolleyes:

OK, you meant the NSX not the Saturn, I understand your point now.
A friend of mine emailed me a link that had a NSX in a porn movie. :biggrin:

Don't you think it would be prudent to post the link? This way, dave22 and I can determine if it is indeed an NSX. :biggrin:
Don't you think it would be prudent to post the link? This way, dave22 and I can determine if it is indeed an NSX. :biggrin:

Long time ago someone actually posted a clip of an adult film that had one of the actors driving a NSX.
The front wheels on that NSX are turned to the right. It looks like the driver is going into a turn at 60mph. Now, that's how the NSX was meant to be driven! :biggrin: