Survey for ASCC @

30 April 2005
Adelaide, Australia
Once your on go to Future Vehicles link you have two choices, Advanced Sedan Concept & Advanced Sports Car Concept (survey here).

OMG :eek: if you don't like the ASCC boy you wait until you see the ASC. Now that's a piece of work.

Enjoy people.
Acura designers have lost their minds. At first I thought I was looking at the new Batmobile.:eek: That sedan concept makes the AASCC look good.
Yeah what are they thinking. We should leave Japenese car design to the Japenese.

If anyone can get a hold of an email address for the Design Studio please post it we really need to let these guys know what the us punters out there think of their concepts.

This should be a sticky!?!
I see some nice design cues in there (not a fan of the ASC body, but some individual details are nice). Of course, Honda isn't bold enough to ever build something like that, so the body will never see production. That's probably why the designers go nuts on these - they figure, what the hell, it'll never get built - lets have some fun.
To me, the ASCC looks as though Apple Computer's got their hands on the Batmobile and redisigned it to make it look cleaner.

Up close and in person at the Detroit Auto Show, the ASCC kinda grew on me; however, I prefer the HSC, and I never got to see that up close. Seeing the car up close gives a different impression. The Enzo always gave me mixed feelings. Then when I was up close to one, I grew to appreciate and love the car. Of course, when one was driving next to my NSX and Zoomed away in an attempt to upstage me (a very successful attempt mind you), I grew to love it that much more.:redface:
perhaps honda would be interested - and lud / prime would benefit in some way - if this survey link replaced the prime homepage poll. lud could monitor the clickthroughs and offer his services as a future advertising site for american honda.
perhaps honda would be interested - and lud / prime would benefit in some way - if this survey link replaced the prime homepage poll. lud could monitor the clickthroughs and offer his services as a future advertising site for american honda.

Great idea.
Could even expand the poll to something more comprehensive like:

1. ASC - yay/nay
2. Closest competitor alternative to new NSX?
3. How important is MR engine (scale 1-10)
4. Cars you would buy at each price point (50k, 80k, 125k, 200+k)
5. Current cars
6. NSX ownership history
7. Income range
8. Age
9. What do you like most about the current NSX?
10. Other useful suggestions
The sketches on site are not bad. Too bad they car does not resemble them as closely. The end product is much more conservative then the sketches.
Are there enough of us to even make a difference with Honda? They've never shown the American NSX owners much love if any. I still don't understand why so many of you are still ticked about this concept? It's not another NSX ,but didn't hope of another NSX die when the NSX stopped production? besides most of you don't see who it is you need to convince.

American Honda ( i.e Acura ) is the one who supposedly killed the HSC. With the American end of Honda posting the most sales you can see they're the one's with the most influence on Big Honda in Japan. Come on guy's the car is now being designed in California...doesn't that tell you something! American Honda doesn't want another NSX. We were told their were two concepts one front engine one mid engine. American Honda wanted the FR layout and killed the MR so big suprise that we see the ASCC at an autoshow. Most of you say that was just a rumour ,but the end result shows that not to be the case.

I'm not against the ASC as I love the S2000 and know that Honda can make a great sportscar be it front or mid engine design.
Looks like the sedan concept comes with lasers and time travel abilities!

..or maybe a transformer from the upcoming michael bay movie.

"Simultaneously exudes a mysterious aura of luxury." It's definately exuding something.:biggrin:

They should just go ahead and make this and be done with it.:biggrin:
After owing 2 NSX's and a few other acura makes, I know that I will not be buying another Acura anytime soon. Their current designs just don't do it for me anymore, they seem to lack the passion Honda once had:frown:. The ASCC or what ever it's called has solidified my feelings about the direction Acura/Honda is taking and they have lost a long time honda fan/customer.

I'll be sticking with the Germans for now:wink: