Support NSX Prime

11 March 2007
Hi Mods,

I've donated some cash to support NSX Prime, received my paypal confirmation etc. and yet my user status has not been updated. Can you tell me why?

I took me a good few days and couple of follow up emails to get my status to change. The moderator just needs a little more time. Also, thanks for showing me how to post large pictures using links.

Hi Mods,

I've donated some cash to support NSX Prime, received my paypal confirmation etc. and yet my user status has not been updated. Can you tell me why?


Thanks for the note. I found the transaction record in vBulletin but your title wasn't updated, which indicated something was broken.

After some research I figured out it was a result of the <a href=""> Year 2038 Problem</a>. Since it is now 2008 and I had subscriptions set to 30 years, it was giving an error when it tried to process the subscriptions. I manually fixed yours and changed the subscriptions to 29 years. I'll go back and check any other subscriptions that may have been affected.

Thanks for your support of the site!
Thanks for the note. I found the transaction record in vBulletin but your title wasn't updated, which indicated something was broken.

After some research I figured out it was a result of the <a href=""> Year 2038 Problem</a>. Since it is now 2008 and I had subscriptions set to 30 years, it was giving an error when it tried to process the subscriptions. I manually fixed yours and changed the subscriptions to 29 years. I'll go back and check any other subscriptions that may have been affected.

Thanks for your support of the site!

I hope were still around in 29 years......:biggrin:
If you are checking, can you check mine too, I donated but havent seen my status change.


Thanks for the note. I found the transaction record in vBulletin but your title wasn't updated, which indicated something was broken.

After some research I figured out it was a result of the <a href=""> Year 2038 Problem</a>. Since it is now 2008 and I had subscriptions set to 30 years, it was giving an error when it tried to process the subscriptions. I manually fixed yours and changed the subscriptions to 29 years. I'll go back and check any other subscriptions that may have been affected.

Thanks for your support of the site!