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Supercharger: Comptech VS SOS

afaik the standard ct blower setup will lose power after just a few hot laps at the track,,,,heat soak i guess..but another data point to consider if you are a track person who thinks just bolting on the blower will give you the extra power you need.

Doc, that holds true whether it is a Comptech or an SOS. But isn't as fast as "a few laps", it does take a bit of time and certainly the ambient temps have a lot to do with it. Shad, Ross, and Ryu have actual numbers on this. That's why I said blowers on this car sit in the wrong place and if you want that extended power level I think a turbo presents a better option. I absolutely LOVE the flat power band of the Comptech and on the street it is just perfect, but if you really want to be a track guy and your skill level on the track (like yourself :wink:) is so high that you need a lot more power, you need to go turbo. If you are going to get tuning, management, intercooler, heat exchanger, pump, injectors, blah blah, then just do it for a turbocharger. Yes, it's a bit more peaky, yes, it's not as smooth as a blower, yes, it is not instant, but when you have an extra 80-100 consistent HP (nevermind the extra torque), you are going to just forget all that other stuff...

I know this is just my opinion, but I have researched this a lot, talked to Shad, Ross, and my local engine builders for a long time. It is not a good deal to take a supercharger to that next level. Basic Comptech kit -----------> turbocharger system with tuning/management. And as I have said before, my favorite turbo system on a non-built motor is David Dozier's for a whole host of reasons. If you need even more still, and are willing to build a motor, then I would forget the aerocharger system and go with something from other builders like Loveab, Angus, SOS. Then you can go 500+.
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One thing I'd love to see is some more definitive information on how to pass CA smog with a CTSC (easy, it has a CARB #), SoS SC (slightly harder but it *looks* like a CTSC so there's some trick you can do with CT's CARB #), and a turbo (supposedly depends on how stock your engine bay looks and whether your exhaust retains cats?)

CTSC being the only one that's completely fully letter- and spirit-of-the-law legal so definitely the highest resale/lowest stress options. But I know we have plenty of turbos driving around CA so I'd love to know how they're passing smog...
ur basically asking people to report to the authorities their smog shop connections online?

No, I'm asking to know which FI solutions require "smog shop connections" at all.
technically all except the CTSC.

However, I haven't had a single issue with my SOS SC. And I didn't even have my CARB EO#.

The technician said that my installation looked professional and well done that he can't imagine that I overlooked the emission portion. (Whatever that means)..
No, I'm asking to know which FI solutions require "smog shop connections" at all.
For the benefit of everyone I don't think we should churn up the grey area in a public forum.

Technically the CARB approval applies to only the CTSC kit as it's shipped out of the box. I'm not even sure if technically (to the letter of the law) you need to have a "qualified" tech install it - whatever "qualified" means. I've seen this as a requirement in other CARB EO#'s.