Super rare 1 of 1 (at least that we could find)

11 August 2011
Arlington, VA
This ebay posting just cracked me up:

Online research says that there were only 103 Sebring Silver/Black cars ever produced with manual transmission in 1992 and this is the ONLY one we could find turbocharged making it the ultimate 1 of 1 rare car on the market!
Translation: uhh.. there are probably a bunch, but we could only find one so its RARE!

I don't understand why auto dealers have to try and make nonsense claims like that. Maybe I should put a six pack of beer in the trunk of my car and say "this is the only NSX I could find with a six pack of beer in the trunk, it is the ultimate 1 of 1 rare car in the WORLD!"*

*Jeremy Clarkson voice used of course.
hey now..if i ever sell the know I'm playing the one of one card big:redface: