Sunday April 13th Monthly Meet Event

The key to good speed in these conditions really comes down to preparation. You need to set your splitter low enough that you can maintain good frontal downforce, without having it be so low that it digs into the snow. :biggrin:

In Mount Vernon it's supposed to have few showers...
I think it's hard to beat the weather around here. So if everyone doesn't mind the weather then we're still on. If not we can call it off..:( then move it to next Sunday?
I won't be intown next Sunday.

I am sorry that this month doesn't work out good for us. I think next month should be much better because Fowlers throwing the meet we should be in good hands.;)

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Lets do the drive sat. This Saturday to be exact. Myron is rolling into town on friday and staying at house of Fowler. Lets drive :biggrin:
No the nsx was the weekend car, and sadly it was paid for today around 3:30 its still in the garage so I can sit and stare at it, but luckily Its not as hard to part with as I thought It would be. The thing is I made a good enough profit that I am now Debt free. No credit cards, nothing, just a morgage. So In due time I will buy another, with cash. Who knows maybe it will be from online poker! LOL
The only real bill I have is my morgage, so if anyone wants a decent rental home let me know. Maybe I can get my hands on a SC lawn mower like Arnon!
the forecast as of today at 5pm called sunday to be the better day now. Lets do the drive. Can we still meet at Arnon's? Lets get the talk going.
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the forecast as of today at 5pm called sunday to be the better day now. Lets do the drive. Can we still meet at Arnon's? Lets get the talk going.

Weather permitting, I think I'd be down for a drive on Sunday. Where to? Tulips or what?

Meeting place/etc?
Guys, let me know what you guys want to do...I have 3 days weekend starting Friday. Tomorrow i am spending alone time at the movie, new Jet Li movie. Saturday, electrical work on the new room I just added. Sunday if still no Tulip drive I am going to car auction.
YEA and I you better come and get me, so I can start making money again to buy another NSX. I'll buy 100 geo metro's to make 200 bucks!!!!!! see you in the morning.
I would really like to go guys, but I clay bared my car and waxed it last Sunday in hopes of a sunny day. Haven't been able to take her for a spin since. So unless the weather miraculously changes, I'm afraid I won't be able to join. Which is killing me, I mean its suppossed to be spring for crying out loud, hehe. Anyhow, pending good weather in the future, don't forget about the random meets thread.

Sarge, sorry to hear ur letting her go. What model to u think you'll get next time?

Chris from Tacoma
Sorry guys, but the weather is not on our sides.
If things turns for the better, I suggest we switch to plan-b. And that is to move our monthly meet to next month (JFowler) will arrange that.
hAH i FOUND IT. lets try this again.:wink:
Interesting to see this thread. This is where I first found out that Ken was willing to part with his car. Now it resides in my garage. Hope all is going well with Ken and everyone else.


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