Sun Oct 11 for re-scheduled Wings and Wheels

21 May 2006
Basking Ridge, NJ

Based on their Friday (10/9) afternoon update ITS A GO for SUNDAY 10/11!

see post #9 for possible caravan's etc

Hi guys,

Rain washed out the 8/23, 8/30, and the 9/13) dates. Back then, Simon was hoping to get some NSXer's to go for a nice drive to New Milford, CT (About 1.5 hour from NYC).

The new date is Sunday, October 11 for Blackhorse garage hosting the event from 8 AM to 4 PM at Candlelight Farms Airport. Spectators can enjoy vintage European exotics, muscle cars, biplanes and more for $7 per person and children under 12 are FREE. Show your vintage vehicle for only $10. Judging starts at 10 AM sharp. Click on the link for more info and pictures from previous years:

After 3 rain-outs Bruce, who lives in CT, is exhausted from doing all those anti-rain-dances.:biggrin::biggrin: So check the above link on Saturday, Oct 10 to see if the event is still on.

Way back in August, we had a plan of me & Jan meeting Aaron94T on Rt 287 in NJ at the Rt 80/287 interchange (Rt 287 mile marker 42), then us joining Rich, Simon & Andrea in Elmsford is the start of a plan.

Who might still want to try this unique show?
Frank Spano?
James? (By now you even had a chance to get familiar with your new NSX!)

It should be nice crisp Fall weather, and probably one of the last shows for this year.
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I can't believe this event still has not yet happened. :) I should be able to make it.

I still plan on making the Wings and Wheels show, but I've been told to leave the NSX home and bring my other car. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but I'm going one car or the other-that is provided the rain Gods are sleeping next Sunday! I'm sure I'll be leaving earlier than most coming from New Jersey and points North so I'll meet you at the show. We'll watch the weather.

Sorry we will not be able to make this event next Sunday as we have a theater engagement with an out-of-town couple that day and I totally forgot about it. Sorry, "tough getting old!"

PS. we will be going to the Connecticut Rally @ Foxwoods the following Sunday 10/18. Two NSX's in caravan so far ....... any interest?
That will probably be the last of the season.

Rich B.
Im in if the weather holds up, however sundays is football day GIANTS 4-0
With the Bears on a bye week, I may make it down. I did promise a hike to someone, so I'll have to see if that is still on.
OK, now that it's ago for 10/11, who's going?

From the above thread:

1. Frank & Jan
2. Simon (& Andrea?)
3. Bruce (aka BoneStock)
4. Dynamic-uzed-auto

1. Madbox

Any additions or corrections?

I'll be driving from NJ:
Route would be 287 to 684 to 84. Anyone I can join up with? What time? I'm about 1 hr from the NJ/NY border on Rt 287. We'll probably leave home about 9 am, unless we join up with someone who wants to get there earlier.
OK, now that it's ago for 10/11, who's going?

From the above thread:

1. Frank & Jan
2. Simon (& Andrea?)
3. Bruce (aka BoneStock)
4. Dynamic-uzed-auto

1. Madbox

Any additions or corrections?

I'll be driving from NJ:
Route would be 287 to 684 to 84. Anyone I can join up with? What time? I'm about 1 hr from the NJ/NY border on Rt 287. We'll probably leave home about 9 am, unless we join up with someone who wants to get there earlier.
As a previous trophy winner, I'll probably be there to claim another!!!!
I probably will go with or without my NSX.

This show is not open to NSX's is it? I really can't tell from the promo.
Since Roger said he trophies at this event it should be open to NSXs.

I may be able to attend but if we want to show our cars aka safely parking together we have to get there before 10:00 am as that s when judging starts. I also didn't see preregistration so I am not sure how they organize the show as you drive in.

Hopefully I'll see y'all there.

My front bumper is at the painters so can't bring my nsx:mad:. I just picked up a white H2 so maybe if the wife wants to take a ride up we will go. P.M me some cell numbers so I can get in touch with you guys. Thanks, Frank
Hi all,

I'll be getting to the show early (8:30-9) so if anyone wants to know anything, PM and we can swop cell #'s. I'll act as point man for anyone who wants info.

Not sure if I'm headed up to this or staying more local, I have a few friends that are going to the Bedford show and a few going to the Harrison show. If I stay local, I might be able to both, but with the foliage turning, it'd be a nice ride up to the Wings and Wheels. See how I feel about things in the am! If I don't get up there, one of you guys better come home with my trophy!!:wink:
I'll be on my way about 8:00 am. Should hit 684 and 287 intersection a little after I leave, about 8:10. Post up if anyone wants to caravan.

Is everyone driving up separate or caravaning? What time at 287/80? I am still on the fence but it looks like a good day. I wish I knew the classes.

I have no idea how this will work out but I am leaving as I stated and will play it by ear. Either way it should be a great day. If you want to meet up then PM me.

Here is the flyer with classes. 2009 flyer-1.pdf

It looks like the NSX could fall under Exotic which would be good because other Euro exotics would be in their own class.

Tytus, I will call you in the AM if I am going. My wife is still iffy.
The weather is supposed to be nice & clear, albeit a little chilly. Fall foliage will be approaching its peak in that area, so it should be nice scenery too.

Tytus - I don't think we'll hit your area until around 9:30 or so. You have my cell phone number should you leave later and want to join a mini (micro?) caravan from NJ.
I can not make this event due to a prior engagement. :frown:

For those that are interested , New Milford has a good restaurant for those who may wish to meet up after the event. I have eaten there many times. :smile:

Good food , rated one of the best in the state , year after year.
Have a mini plumbing emergency, plumber is due here around 8am, he's never been on time. I think that about seals the deal, I'll end up doing the local shows instead as I don't think I'd be able to make it up there at a reasonable time.
I just got home and got a call from the event organizer. He said NS Xs are welcome and to be there between 8 and 9 to reisger to show the car. I plan on getting there right about 9:00 am.

See y'all there unless you hook up enroute.
