Suggest a career change...

2 October 2001
Right now i'm sick of <A HREF="">IT</A>. Software is always buggy and unfinished, things just seem to get more and more complex for no good reason, ungrateful users... its a thankless job. I've heard it said when something quits being fun, it's time to quit.

So for a bit of fun, suggest an alternative career path for me. :) I'm open to all suggestions.

it AIN'T easy... but someones gotta do it.... :wink:

best of luck and wishes on your new path on life's great journey~!!!
ok. i'm not black, so you're suggesting i become the woman? :rolleyes:

NO SOUP FOR YOU (couldn't resist... my avatar made me post it :D )

PIMPING... haha... no color lines... no gender lines... :biggrin:
Well if you're in IT, you probably enjoy tech, just not the users you have to support. Switching careers is hard if you don't have a resume to back up your new choice and don't want to take a big pay cut and start back at the bottom.

I've been in your boat before and wasn't sure how to get out of it. I ended up going the technical project management route, first with IT projects then later software development. Yeah, my headaches are now clients that pay us, but I actually find that in most cases, they're more appreciative and reasonable than supporting the end users. Not only that, but PMs usually get paid far better than IT staff and even developers, especially if you get your PMP certification (yes I realize the opinions many hold of certs, but this is one that companies will actually pay for). From there, you can move toward a VP type role because as a PM you usually get to add marketing, sales, budgeting and people management under your belt.

I took the plunge a year ago, I was in the I.T sector also and grew very tired of it for the same reasons. I took a job as a V.P of a large collection agency and haven't looked back. I like my job again and look forward to work. If you have a B.A you should be able to get into a management job somewhere.

Aw comon Mike with your link,I'm not so sure you really are fed up with work,just us policing ourselves!:wink: But if you did want to change,is there any skill set or propritory software that make you stand out in your space.?
How about a pool shark?

Neo, you seem to be a really bright guy. I bet you could do anything you put your mind too.

Are you currently in IT support or software development? If you are on the development side, I can think of a few alternate paths that may be interesting.
Sell stuff on ebay. Alot of people make there yearly earning just by selling stuff they have or other people have on ebay. Who knows you might have something layin in your garage that someone wants.
I second the ebay selling. I know a few people who sell through an ebay store and they are making some good cha-ching!! It takes a lot of time and good organization skills, but if you have the time why not. Some good items to sell are sports jersey's and audio/video cables. If you can source them wholesale and markup 20-30%, you're set. Then you can make a little money on top of that with the shipping & handling charges. Browse through ebay and get some ideas. Another option is to open an ebay listing company where people bring you the items to sell and you charge a consignment fee.

Good luck. And if all else fails, I like the pimp idea! :biggrin:

it AIN'T easy... but someones gotta do it.... :wink:

best of luck and wishes on your new path on life's great journey~!!!

Classic, I love it!:biggrin: Nothing better than the Bishop Magic Don Juan. Green for the Money and Gold for the Honey:biggrin:
Mike, with your interest and talents in photoshop and video, I'd seriously consider a job in Video Post. (i.e. Motion Graphics, AVID editor)
Be a software engineer.

Then you can write that buggy, unfinished software, AND be an ungrateful user.

It's awesome, really. Especially if you work from home.

Right now i'm sick of <A HREF="">IT</A>. Software is always buggy and unfinished, things just seem to get more and more complex for no good reason, ungrateful users... its a thankless job. I've heard it said when something quits being fun, it's time to quit.

So for a bit of fun, suggest an alternative career path for me. :) I'm open to all suggestions.
Right now i'm sick of <A HREF="">IT</A>. Software is always buggy and unfinished, things just seem to get more and more complex for no good reason, ungrateful users... its a thankless job. I've heard it said when something quits being fun, it's time to quit.

So for a bit of fun, suggest an alternative career path for me. :) I'm open to all suggestions.

Think about turning one of your hobbies into a career.
Neo! Take your pick from the following 4 responses:

1) Steven's & ss_md might be onto something, you've got brains enough that you can choose almost any occupation and be successful at it... so think of something you enjoy and get yourself involved in it :)

2) You need a break! Get away for a few days or even just a weekend.... that's what I try and do when I get fed up with working, yes it's easier said than done. But when you come back refreshed, you'll see everything in a more positive light.

3) Jobs that look good to me: Phone line installations. Concreter. Carpenter. ELECTRICIAN. Travelling salesman (in a NSX of course). FINANCIAL ADVISOR. Freelance IT consultant of some type. Heck anything with Consultant in it, be one of those Solutions people, that always sounds lucrative, you can cite your years experience developing solutions to the educational and private sectors :) Airline pilot and astronaut, no, they're not quite what they used to be, but still not shabby.

4) Call Nemesis, it sounds like he needs someone to captain his boat or something :)

Gotta be something in there! Give me a ring if you want to rant and vent.