Sucks, another vandalism

27 February 2003
Bay Area, CA
I was looking for parkcing space in a parking lot at a pool place last Friday. There were only one empty space in the whole lot but I saw some fu**ing kids were standing next to their fu**ing Civic with ugly mods next to the empty space. I thought it was ok to park because my friend's s2000 was parking right next to the empty space. I parked and when I get off my car, I give them a friendly smile, but didn't say anything. After about one hour, my friend went out to get something in his S2000, he told me that those kids were still there. After another hour, we leave the pool place and there was a big dent on my rear left panel (above the feul door), and the feul door is crack, and some paint got hit off. It doesn't look like a door dent because someone need to slam their door real hard to my car in order to make a big dent like that, and the car need to be real tall. The damage side is the side where the kids standing. So there should be a very big chance that the damage is done by those fuc*ing kids.
I went to estimate the repair cost on Sataurday, and they quote me for a price of about $1000, but I think I will get a discount since I know the owner of the body shop. Do you guys think that I should report to the insurance company. If I report to the insurance company, I think I can pay less than $500 (~2 to 300) deductable, but the insurace may increase the premeium now or after the next Vandalism (touch wood!!!). The other option is that I will pay for the repair cost, maybe about $700 and I will not report to the insurace company. Since the amount is not very high, so I am not sure I should make a claim this time. Can you guys give me some opinion? Thanks
Those fuc*ing kids.

As long as you've got a good history with your insurance company, I'd report it. Thats what insurance is for. Do you happen to file a police report? That might help with the insurance.

Sorry about your misfortune.
That sucks. I can't stand losers like that. Kids with crappy ricers just "hanging out" looking for trouble. That's why I always park mine either (a) in plain site of where I will be or (b) with my girl sitting in the car. (I usually only opt for option B if I'm only going to be gone for a couple of minutes in a store). Either that or I take another car. No thugs and no rain. Those are my rules.

Back to your insurance question. DO NOT file a claim for $1000 with a $500 deductible. It's not worth it. You will pay 30X over in the course of your business with them. Insurance companies are getting to the point of concocting any excuse they can for jacking rates up. Many will count how many times you have even INQUIRE about filing a claim, tracking a car, etc. That's why when I call my insurance company with questions ("will filing a claim for hitting a deer affect my premiums?") I never identify myself. They should be able to answer questions like that consistently regardless of who you are. And I always document the name of the person I spoke with, date, and time of the call and file it away. It's a ruthless world out there.
I disagree, If you f#$k your car up, your premium increases. If someone else does it, it will not... same for hit and runs, hail damage etc... If you can fix it for the same as the deductible, why bother.If you are trying to pocket 500.00 it is'nt worth it....:rolleyes:
Sorry, I have no insurance advice to give, but I just wanted to say that this demonstrates why a beater is an essential car to have. The beat is a real-world liason to protect the rare, valuable cars we cherish. If the punks are having a bad day and want to take it out on the nearest car, well at least your baby is home, safe.

That is bad news, NSXER119. I hope it gets resolved, soon.

Take care,
I just checked with the body shop. They will charge me $500 labor plus parts. The feul door is quoted $139 in the body shop, but I am buying one from another prime member for $35. Therefore, I am not going to report to the insurance company. However, I have already got a police report. Do you guys think that the insurance company will know about this and still going to raise the premium? This is what the police told me. But I think she is just too lazy to give me a police report so that she kept on discourage me from getting one. I have to talk to her for more than thirty minutes before she really work on the simple report only took her 5 minutes, and her attitude was really bad too. Maybe it was because I went to the police station right after the vandalism, and it was about 2:00am. :rolleyes:
if you have a low deductible, i say report it to the insurance company. i've reported my "hit and run" incident and not a penny was added to my premium....not my fault. then find the best shop out there to make sure your NSX will get fixed properly. i'm more concerned with getting the job done right.

of course, my damages were around $2300 so i was glad to have paid just the $300 deductible.....

Calling in a claim does not necessarily mean your rates will go up. It is based on a ratio. I reported a claim in excess of 20k with no rate change and recently one for 2k with no rate change. I have had state farm for 15years. Ask your insurance company to explain it because I can't exactly.........
one or two accidents will be okay and won't affect your premiums. if you report a few in a year then the insurance company may consider you as an unlucky customer and may drop you.....
My damage was over $3,000 and i reported it. It was taken care of by the insurance company. My rates did not go up. I am a little concerned what happens with the current policy expires in july though...
Thanks for all the comments..... is the deal
I either have pay $535 to get it repair without reporting to the insurance...or I have to pay about $200 deductable and the insurace will pay the rest.
I am not planning to report to the insurance company this time....what do you guys think?
As far as insurance in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, I carry two types of damage repair insurance; Collision and Coprehensive, and they have deductables of $500 and $50 respectivly. If your car is hit by another car, or if it was moving when it hit something, that claim is covered under collision and your insurance premiums can go up. If your car is stationary and it is damaged by external forces such as hail, shopping cart, fire, falling branch, or vandalized, it is covered under comprehensive and your premiums will NOT go up. Check into it. It may be the same in your state.
dougjgreen said:
In a no-fault state, it doesn't matter who causes the car to get damaged. ANY claim will up your rates.

I guess it just depends on your insurance company policy. My state is a no fault state and with State Farm they told me that as long as it is not my fault they don't raise the rates. I believe them too since I filed two claims with them where someone rear ended me (Not my NSX though) and they never raised the rates thus far. I've been with them for about 5 years. They also gave me a break on my speeding ticket since they don't count the first ticket. As long as you don't get a second one within three years. However, I guess they could change their policy at anytime, so for $1000 and a savings of only $500 ($500 deductcable) I agree it may not be worth it to file a claim. I do think it is worth it to get a police report though.
You might want to consider calling your insurance agent/company and telling them you're considering whether to report a claim, and ask them how it would be treated. You're under no obligation to report it just for calling and asking them.
I have decided not to report to the insurance this time because my brother just made a claim few months ago and we are under the same policy.:(

By the way, I am sure this is a vandalism because I found another minor dent (about 2 to 3 inch in diameter, but very minor) on the same panel about one feet away from the big dent. I haven't talk to the body shop yet but I guess they wouldn't charge me!t...those motha fuckas.....:mad:
The REAL nsxtasy said:
FWIW, I would not have parked my NSX anywhere near that spot - even if it were the only empty spot in the whole lot.

I guess I have learnt a lesson, and I will never park my car anywhere I don't feel comfortable with.
By the way, I would not park in that spot in normal situation. At that night, I was following my friend to that place and he was driving a fixed up S2000 (big wing, noisy muffler and intake, and other stuffs) and my car is almost 100% stock. There were two spaces together and he parked in one of those spots, and I didn't feel good to leave the parking lot (a very small parking lot). This is the reason I parked there. But I swear, I will not drive my NSX there again.
Hey NSXER119,
I'm very sorry to hear about what happened to your car.
I live in the Bay Area as well. Can you please tell us which billiards hall you were at?

Yawwn said:
Hey NSXER119,
I'm very sorry to hear about what happened to your car.
I live in the Bay Area as well. Can you please tell us which billiards hall you were at?


I went to Family Billiards on Geary Blvd. in Richmond district, SF. I saw a black one and a silver NSX sometimes there. Are you one of them?
i use to hang out at Family Billiard all the time a few years ago .. it's a hang out for thugs and wannabes .. I wouldn't even go there at nighttime, you are just asking for trouble ... you even see cops outside sometimes =)

Family Billiards on Geary Blvd. in Richmond district, SF.

Asian gangs are known to frequent that place. Numerous fights, stabbings and shootings have taken place at that location. I would advise my fellow NSX owners to avoid that place at all cost. If you want a safer pool hall, I would think the Great Entertainer on Bryant Street (block away from Police headquarters) would be a better bet. Hard to say, last week..... two Asian guys got stabbed there in the parking lot over a stupid argument. Good thing those punks got arrested.

Be safe.

I am a claims adjuster---typically people will just run their key down the side of the car--there goes 1500 if you have an expensive paint job----think about getting a higher deductible--lowers your insurance rate and you pay for the small stuff. They will not increase premium typically if you did not cause the problem---if you caused the damage then typically there is an amount over which the premium will go up--so if it's 750 and the cost to settle or repair is 751 or higher your rates go up...

I am in AZ which is not no-fault--you can always ask your insurance agent as to what the policy is for your carrier. They will not increase the premium just for asking a question--they have to pay something out--if your rates go up it's because all rates have gone up within the company etc...

Oh by the way--if you hit a deer(animal) that will be a comprehensive claim rather than a collision claim but you hit a car etc and that's a collision claim.