Stupidest aftermarket products....

There is a local here with a late 90s model yellow Mustang GT with a ricerboy body kit a wing that looks like it was pirated off an EVO and has Skyline GTR badges to top it off. Oh almost forgot the altezzas and the blue tear vinyl graphics down both doors...
Hey guys you forgot...

curb feelers. especially when cars were running 80 series tires :eek:
Hiroshima said:
Funny.... I saw a 02 Camry with Lexus badges on it. To top it off, the owner had the model as and ES 545. I guess I got the 4.5 litre motor out of a BMW and somehow fitted it to his Toyota *ahem* I mean Lexus Tranny. :rolleyes:

It is funny I spend money to get rid of badges off my car :tongue:

Hey, whatever floats their boat!

Heck, last week I saw a Camry with Lexus ES wheels.