stupid TCS button stuck...part number?

30 November 2010
Austin, TX
so it's stuck in the down position...tried to pry/pull it out and no go...can't disable TCS now...since i'm limited on time, i didn't want to take the dash apart only to find out that the button/spring/whatever is broken and then have to reassemble, order the part and do it all over again...was hoping to buy the button and have it on hand just in case it's more than a simple case of the spring popping out...but im having trouble locating the tcs button part number...i found this part number, but i can't tell if this includes the button...


if anyone who knows this car better than i do can help, it would be greatly appreciated....
why do you want to disable the TCS I drive with mine on always.
its a saftey feature to save your life. LOL

inless your gonna put the car on a track and drift or something. LOL

heres the part number and price from Delray acura parts

part number 35300-SL0-A03 $ 79.63
why do you want to disable the TCS I drive with mine on always.
its a saftey feature to save your life. LOL

inless your gonna put the car on a track and drift or something. LOL

heres the part number and price from Delray acura parts

part number 35300-SL0-A03 $ 79.63

LOL... i only wanted the option to turn it off....let's just say there were a couple times that i may have wanted to ...experiment (picture me in a white lab coat with a clip board :biggrin:) the giant empty parking lots near my place :wink:

thanks for the part number!
Have you tried spraying some electrical parts cleaner in there? Might free it up. . .
Removing the panels to get the TCS off shouldn't take more than 10 min.

You can still turn off the TCS fairly quickly by removing the harness cable behind you, if that's all you want.
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wow, thank you for all the replies guys...i'll give the electronics cleaner a shot as i have nothing to lose...but im guessing nsxnut is right about the circuit board being pushed back...

it's not so much the issue of needing to disable tcs as it is wanting the option of turning it off with a working button...but at least i know how to disable it for the time being so thanks for those suggestions too...

had no idea it would take that little time to get underneath...i may try to do that this weekend then...i was under the impression for some reason that it would kill an hour...