Stuck Valve covers

21 July 2011
Westchester, NY
I'm removing both valve covers for powder coating and these suckers are stuck on tightly. All nuts have been removed (even the 2 deep socket ones) and neither one will budge. Is there any trick for getting these loose? On my 300ZX I just beat the steel valve cover with a rubber mallet but I know that's a big no no with our magnesium NSX covers :)

Big flat screwdriver wrapped in towel. Stick between cover and head and carefully twist to break it loose. Had to do it on both of my covers. Take care not to scratch the sealing surface between the gasket and head.
+1 honcho

and dont let a valve cover get the better of you.

use the flathead on all corners that should release it.
you can even listen you will here the old seals make a crackling sound when they release.
If you have a hard plastic wedge (similiar to a body putty applicator - or a kids plastic screwdirver) it won't scratch either surface :rolleyes:.