Strange Noise??

8 August 2003
West Sussex, England.
...I have read the FAQ and cannot find anything similar, here's hoping that you guys can shed some light....

The noise is like an electrical clicking (spark?) which comes from behind the dash, just to the right of the clock. It clicks at about 3-4 clicks a second & I could actually 'feel' it through the dash with my hand. I suppose it sounds like a domestic gas stove ignitor.

It has happened twice now, once for a couple of seconds when I started it up this am with only the heater on, then later driving on the freeway for about 10 seconds with the headlamps, heater and windshield wipers going.

My thoughts are of the A/C or heater unit maybe?

Over to you guys...
Next time it happens, immediatly turn the climate control unit off and see if it stops making the noise.
Is there any chance that your aspirator fan is so far out of alignment that you can feel/hear the fan blades hitting the housing? This is a long shot, since that usually sounds more like a buzzing or whirring, but you never know.....
hlweyl...will try to turn off the climate if it happens again, but both times it's happened it's been too quick for me really...good idea though.

LeftLane...don't think it's the fan blades hitting as it's not that sort of noise & I wouldn't expect it to be as intermittant.

No smell of burning yet!....will see if it happens again on my way home, very soon....
...happened again this am, went on long enough for me to switch loads of things on/off....couldn't alter or stop it in any way????

What exactly is behind the dash to the right of the clock on a right hand drive motor that could cause this? It does sound like a fan connecting with something, or a gear slipping maybe?

May have a chance to look at it tomorrow, so any ideas would be gratefully appreciated....


strange noise

I have the same problem!!! Ive done everything i can think of and it still remains. I took it to the dealer and the tech said he had no idea what it was, not very helpful. Now it starts to "Click" on start up for about 15 to 20 seconds and sometimes just out of the blue. REALLLLLLLY ANOYING!!!!!!!! If you can think of anything or if you get the problem diagnosed pleas let me know.

good luck
Almost sounds like one of the ventilation doors getting hung up trying to open or close. Your vent to the center of the dash is actually not directly behind the vent, it's off center to the right.

When you get the noise next time, have the climate control on and adjust the vent settings turning the top vent on and off and see if that helps.

There is a troubleshooting flowchart in the service manual on the main page of prime.

good luck
hlweyl said:
Almost sounds like one of the ventilation doors getting hung up trying to open or close. Your vent to the center of the dash is actually not directly behind the vent, it's off center to the right.

Not doubting your suggestion, but on UK cars the vent is off the left behind the outlets.
Surely you have ruled out the ABS pump pressurizing the system? Roll down the window, see if your clicking gets louder.

Occasionally, mine makes a helluva racket for several seconds just after starting forward in the morning.
....mine has stopped! I still have no clue as to what it could have been. My thought was with an airflow vent motor (?) along the lines of above.
Hopefully that will be the last of it.

It is definately not the ABS pump, that is well described in the FAQ and can be simulated by using the ABS...mine chirps away virtually every time I use the ABS.

NSXGB said:
....mine has stopped! I still have no clue as to what it could have been. My thought was with an airflow vent motor (?) along the lines of above.
Hopefully that will be the last of it.


here's my 1/2 cent worth...maybe it was a bug that just died of starvation being stuck in there for so long? ahhh...the mystery continues to this elusive noise.

....right, this morning I got a step closer to identifying the culprit....It happened again so I played with the a/c switches & the one that cured it was the screen de-mister button (middle button). When I pressed the de-mister to 'on', the clicking stopped...switching it off caused the clicking to start again.

So I presume it is one of the motorizes flaps in the a/c vents.

...over to you guys...