Stopping Malicious Mischief, suggestions?

If you have some proof or other witnesses, would it be possible to file a small claims lawsuit against the child and parent for the cost of repair? If I was a parent receiving a notice that a lawsuit was being filed against my child and myself, I'd definitely be doing something about it...
Back in the 70's we lived in this relatively new neighborhood. All the mailboxes were pretty much the same but ours was different. Instead of a wood post it was on a steel post sunk into concrete.

So one night some kids come down the road going from one side to the other and clipping the mailboxes off with the bumper. They came to ours, hit it, bent it about 70% and wedged their car onto where they became stuck. So dad comes out, all calm and laughing, while the scared kids desperately tried to pull the car off the bent post. As he approached they got the car off the post and took off. Was quite funny.

NSX-Stalker said:
Back in the 70's we lived in this relatively new neighborhood. All the mailboxes were pretty much the same but ours was different. Instead of a wood post it was on a steel post sunk into concrete.

So one night some kids come down the road going from one side to the other and clipping the mailboxes off with the bumper. They came to ours, hit it, bent it about 70% and wedged their car onto where they became stuck. So dad comes out, all calm and laughing, while the scared kids desperately tried to pull the car off the bent post. As he approached they got the car off the post and took off. Was quite funny.


Rent a post hole digger, use a peice of railroad track as a post, sink it in the ground about 5-7 feet. That should keep the car in place until the cops get their. :D
steveny said:
Rent a post hole digger, use a peice of railroad track as a post, sink it in the ground about 5-7 feet. That should keep the car in place until the cops get their. :D

There is a story on that web site that I mentioned about some kids totalling their car after striking such a post.
There is also a story of an ambulance veering off the road, striking a similar post, and doing sufficient damage to the ambulance that it had to go back to the factory for repairs. Homeowner was blameless as the ambulance was two wheels off the pavement (!) when it struck his mailbox.
nkb said:
lemansnsx, if and when there is a resolution, please post to let us know what happened. I am curious.

If I can do it without possibly incriminating myself I'll be happy to post any outcome here. Meantime I'm feeling a bit of pressure to do something fairly quickly: "mischief night" is fast approaching and falls on a Saturday this year.
:eek: :eek: :eek:
We had a similar problem here about a year ago re: mailbox and reckless driving with local teenagers. I got fed up with the reckless driving one day and waived down one of the teenagers:

Me: “Hello”
Teen: “Hello”
Me: “About your driving around here, could you guys permanently cool it down a bit?”
Me: “You know, with all the kids and dogs and everything—it’s kind of dangerous don’t you think?”
Teen: “Yea, no, I don’t know”
Me: “Well, a lot of us neighbors would appreciate it if you guys would watch your speed through here, ok?”
Me: “And about the mailbox vandalism, have you heard the saying ‘don’t shit where you eat’?”
Teen: “No.”
Me: “It means don’t vandalize your own neighborhood, you know what I mean?”
Teen: “errrr, whatever dude, lighten up—we don’t do that”
Me: “That’s cool. I’m not trying to be an asshole. No big deal. Hey, what kind of exhaust you got there?”
Teen: “super double muffler j.c. whitney”
Me: “It really sounds good, I like your rims too. Have a great day.”

We haven’t had a problem since.
