Stopped by a cop last night....

queenlives said:
it's a *free* board, nitwit, get over yourself.

It's wonderful when stupid people get together and empower themselves.

It's "free" so what if we're stupid.
whatisreal7 said:
Your arrogance and "pompousness" (sorry that's not a real word, prof) is ridicurous. And ridicurous because that's the way a fobby chinese person would say ridiculous.
fobby? thats not even a word my friend.

And he has a point. if we wanted to be stuck with "OMG d00d" we'd be on a 240sx forum. Typically out of all the forums i frequent, NSX Prime is the most mature and eloquent. People think about their posts before they write them. They write posts with main points, paragraphs, punctuation, even spelling.
I'm not a spelling nazi here. If you don't know how to spell parallel its not a big deal. But if I have to try that hard to understand what a kid is saying, it really brings the thread down. I dont want to wade through that crap.
Its not hard to proofread your posts, keep this place nice.
I'm glad I don't have a college degree. I'm more than happy to just admit I'm not all educated and get away with mispellings because I am stupid, and now everyone knows it :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Kewl :eek: cop story too by the way, much better than the one about them being 'little people'.
Dtrigg said:
It's wonderful when stupid people get together and empower themselves.

It's "free" so what if we're stupid.
I honestly don't think it's fair to call him stupid because of his/her *VERY* poor command of the English language. The sad fact is that MANY college students graduate with science and engineering degrees and have poor language skills. One of my ex-colleagues has his PhD in EE and I could only understand about 1/10th of what our conversations consisted of. I also graduated with a degree in Engineering (Computer) and I remember that there were always 1 or 2 students in any arbitrary course that would have a lot of difficulty communicating... sad but true. Here's the catch: They have VERY difficult times finding jobs outside of academics in the US.

Believe me, I'm just as annoyed as you are when I read "those" types of posts. I just grin, bear it, and bite my tongue (read: keyboard); while they may have a 3rd graders English skills, it is very possible that they have PhD's technical skills.

Okay, back to the cop thread...
Dtrigg said:
I am sorry folks, but now I have hijacked this thread, it really makes me angry and disgusted that we have to put up with this crap. For God's sake do we really have to translate what some idiot is trying to convey? Where in the world do these morons come from?

These people profess that they are college students! Well, I feel like moving back to Europe and short selling my US equities.

As some of you know, I taught business courses at night to undergraduate and graduate business students, in addition to my regular job. I always told my students that the most important item they could ever develop was the ability to communicate, both in a verbal and written format.

Sorry to vent, but this is a special board, and we are beyond that, including the vulgarity.


BWAHAHAHAHA....i love this place!
Good story! :) I can't wait for my Comptech exhaust, it's very rare here. If the police would catch me they won't be as nice as described. :( Sometimes I regret that a Taitec exhaust is not allowed. :D Hard times! :)
Dtrigg said:
I am sorry folks, but now I have hijacked this thread, it really makes me angry and disgusted that we have to put up with this crap. For God's sake do we really have to translate what some idiot is trying to convey? Where in the world do these morons come from?

These people profess that they are college students! Well, I feel like moving back to Europe and short selling my US equities.

As some of you know, I taught business courses at night to undergraduate and graduate business students, in addition to my regular job. I always told my students that the most important item they could ever develop was the ability to communicate, both in a verbal and written format.

Sorry to vent, but this is a special board, and we are beyond that, including the vulgarity.

Whats your address? I'll help pay for your ticket.
During a 10-car NSX meet in San Diego a few months back, we cruised through a crowded parking lot on the beach. 5 or so officers were in the lot, and as we went by, one got on a bullhorn and said (as he let us all go by), "What's this, the no-front-license-plate car club?" :biggrin:

I was pulled over in the NSX on my way home from Switzerland when I bought the NSX.

They where really nice. Checked my papers and thought it was a Ferrari. They pulled me over because I did not have a visual license plate at the back.

Have been pulled over once here in Norway and I got a $155 fine because I was crazy enough to drive with the wrong lights :eek: :mad:

martin said:

I was pulled over in the NSX on my way home from Switzerland when I bought the NSX.

They where really nice. Checked my papers and thought it was a Ferrari. They pulled me over because I did not have a visual license plate at the back.

Have been pulled over once here in Norway and I got a $155 fine because I was crazy enough to drive with the wrong lights :eek: :mad:

Wrong lights? i'm not sure what you mean. did you have your high-level beams on?
paladin said:
Wrong lights? i'm not sure what you mean. did you have your high-level beams on?


It was dark and I drove with the foglights on. I was supposed to have the main lights on and the foglights off. It is punished with a bigger fine then knocking down old ladies over here.
