Stopped by a cop last night....

17 September 2002
He cornered me in the parking lot of my grocery store and wanted to tell me that he loved the way my exhaust sounded when I downshifted to turn through a stop light! :biggrin: This might be the best experience I've ever had with a cop.
Comptech Exhaust.

He was pretty familiar with my car as I'm the only person in my town running a red nsx that's lowered and loud (guilty as charged for revving alot). Actually, when I was showing him the car and complaining about how expensive my rear S0-3's were and how fast they wore, he gave me some information on where I can score tires for cheap. I'll take him up on that once I get my new rims.
comquat1 said:
He cornered me in the parking lot of my grocery store and wanted to tell me that he loved the way my exhaust sounded when I downshifted to turn through a stop light! :biggrin: This might be the best experience I've ever had with a cop.

LOL, I wish every cop was that nice :biggrin:
orbusrex said:
Hey, we like nice cars too... just takes a little longer to save for 'em!!
u said "WE". R u a cop? :biggrin:
I got pulled over the second day I had the car. Cop said he wanted to inform me that the 55mph speed limit applies to the on-ramp too. Still had the temp tags and told him I just got the car the night before.... he let me off. :smile:
In the five years of owning my NSX I have been pulled over once and that was for expired registration ( one month late ) he was very nice and he let me go, i told him that i had just taken my car out of the bodyshop.

I had a B18 Turbo civic 3 years before I bought the NSX and used the civic as my daily driver for the first two years of owning my NSX. I was pulled over numerous times and given many tickets for the same things that you could give me a ticket had i been driving the NSX, such as modified exhaust, to loud, to low, window tint, etc etc... In any case I sold the civic when I got a (state referee smog only) and I couldnt find a "hook up".

Then I bought another civic and left it stock. What do ya know I havnt had a ticket since nor have I been pulled over =D

I live in Irvine CA by the way .... And thats really cool the way that officer treated you!!! And I never give an attitude to an officer if he gives me a ticket I just deal with it =D
Returning home from work one night, I was pulled over by Metro. Had my driver's license, registration, and insurance paper ready as he approach. He walked around my car a few times, took my paperworks, and took a few more laps. After looking at my papers, the first question that came out of his mouth was, "it this your son's car?" ....... :eek:

Nervously I asked if I had done anything wrong. "No," he replied, "but I usually don't see people your age driving around a car like this." I told him that this is my daily driver and I'm going home from work. He asked me for my business card and we exchanged a few friendly words, mostly car talk. Finally he said, "I had seen your car many times and had always been wanting to check it out. I'm glad I did and really liked what I see."

That was over 4 yrs ago.

PS: NSX was black with full West Wing body kit, lowered with SSR Wheels, and loud RM Exhaust, etc.
Esprit...LOL. How old are you? Were you breaking the limit when he pulled you over?

And, of COURSE they're gonna let NSXs get away w/ stuff that they crush riced-out Civics for. Just like Harleys can be as loud as they want to.
Last month while driving home from work a cop pulled me over, after looking briefly at my papers, he said actually he had pulled me over for a look at the car. I said no problem, I wasn’t in a hurry (uhumpf) so he asked if I could take him for a ride! We did, his partner followed in their car. Or tried to follow, I took the opportunity to pass a few cars in a no-passing zone, and was doing a 120kph in a 70 zone.
I just had to see what he would do, he just smiled and mentioned the nice sound it makes.
Then they got a call, shook my hand and said thanks!
That’s only the second time in 15 years I have been pulled over, the first time was for going too slow on the freeway (here there is a minimum speed limit on freeways), I was pulling a trailer full of fragile stuff and the surface was really bad so I had slowed down for a while. I told him they should fix the surface, and didn’t get a ticket then either.
I moved here from the States years ago, it really is driving heaven here (Europe). It’s a very rare event to get pulled over by the police; I’ve only seen it happen about 5 times in 15 years (excluding my 2 times…). Even seeing a cop is a relatively rare experience.
During the Pavilions Concours at NSXPO, I won "Most Secure NSX" due to my "one gun per corner" strategy. :D

710 said:
I moved here from the States years ago, it really is driving heaven here (Europe). It’s a very rare event to get pulled over by the police; I’ve only seen it happen about 5 times in 15 years (excluding my 2 times…). Even seeing a cop is a relatively rare experience.
Well here its almost extortion. The police have come to rely on ticket revenue
sorry to hijack the thread but i got a funny story!

So the other night my mom comes home from work, (Im 20 years old and go and still in college lol and im probably the youngest nsx owner or one of them.)
Shes the supervisor at the local hospital so whenver and insident happends she has to deal with the police and fill out reports so the other night she comes home and says she over heard the police talking about the cars kids drive these days. so being my mom she jumps into the convo and brags proud about her sons as she calls it "fancy sports car" :biggrin: , then shes shocked to find out they know exactely who I am becuase they had a "lookout" or almost investigation on me becuase theve seen me often this summer and realized it was a kid and not some old man as they expected, they were checking me out for drugs and following me. she straightend it out and told them i deffinetely werent a drug dealer, and i was a good kid.

Wow i knew the nsx could get attentiong but damn, i didnt realize it could get you into some shit like that. lol

btw they called it a ferrari :tongue:
redshift said:
Hey Rob, are you a police officer? If so, which city? I never did ask you what your job was when I saw you at the pavilions! :biggrin:

sort of... i'm federal... work for the border patrol. we have a checkpoint north of the border from rocky point and when nice rides come through the guys will talk with the owners for a few minutes holding up traffic!

(i actually seized an 05 lincoln navigator from a smuggler, but we couldn't keep it at our station cuz of a lein... one smuggler got popped in his H2 and now it's the sectors recruiting vehicle! like i said, we like nice vehicles too! :biggrin: (some may disagree with the H2)
Is this what you were meaning?

"Sorry to hijack the thread, but I have a funny story!

The other night my mom came home from work, (I am 20 years old and attend college. I am probably the youngest NSX owner, or one of them.) She's a supervisor at the local hospital, so when an incident happens, she has to deal with the police and fill out reports. The other night she came home and said she overheard the police talking about cars kids drive today. Being my mom, she jumped into the conversation and bragged about her son's car. She calls it a 'fancy sports car.' She was shocked to learn the police know who I am because they had a 'lookout'; almost an investigation of me during the summer. The police realized their suspect was a an older man rather than some kid. They were checking for drugs, and in doing so, followed me. My mother straightened it out, and told them I definitely was not a drug dealer, and that I am a good kid.

Wow. I knew the NSX could attract attention, but damn, I didn't realize it could get you into something like that.

By the way, the police thought my car was a Ferrari."

You wouldn't be an English major would you? :rolleyes:
Dtrigg said:
Is this what you were meaning?

"Sorry to hijack the thread, but I have a funny story!

The other night my mom came home from work, (I am 20 years old and attend college. I am probably the youngest NSX owner, or one of them.) She's a supervisor at the local hospital, so when an incident happens, she has to deal with the police and fill out reports. The other night she came home and said she overheard the police talking about cars kids drive today. Being my mom, she jumped into the conversation and bragged about her son's car. She calls it a 'fancy sports car.' She was shocked to learn the police know who I am because they had a 'lookout'; almost an investigation of me during the summer. The police realized their suspect was a an older man rather than some kid. They were checking for drugs, and in doing so, followed me. My mother straightened it out, and told them I definitely was not a drug dealer, and that I am a good kid.

Wow. I knew the NSX could attract attention, but damn, I didn't realize it could get you into something like that.

By the way, the police thought my car was a Ferrari."

You wouldn't be an English major would you? :rolleyes:

That is funny!! I was going to do the same thing, but decided to just let it go. :biggrin:
I am sorry folks, but now I have hijacked this thread, it really makes me angry and disgusted that we have to put up with this crap. For God's sake do we really have to translate what some idiot is trying to convey? Where in the world do these morons come from?

These people profess that they are college students! Well, I feel like moving back to Europe and short selling my US equities.

As some of you know, I taught business courses at night to undergraduate and graduate business students, in addition to my regular job. I always told my students that the most important item they could ever develop was the ability to communicate, both in a verbal and written format.

Sorry to vent, but this is a special board, and we are beyond that, including the vulgarity.

Dtrigg said:
I am sorry folks, but now I have hijacked this thread, it really makes me angry and disgusted that we have to put up with this crap. For God's sake do we really have to translate what some idiot is trying to convey? Where in the world do these morons come from?

These people profess that they are college students! Well, I feel like moving back to Europe and short selling my US equities.

As some of you know, I taught business courses at night to undergraduate and graduate business students, in addition to my regular job. I always told my students that the most important item they could ever develop was the ability to communicate, both in a verbal and written format.

Sorry to vent, but this is a special board, and we are beyond that, including the vulgarity.

it's a *free* board, nitwit, get over yourself.
very refreshing to hear someone talk about a cop on here and not complain about the way they feel they were treated badly when they were pulled over.
Thanks for the great story.