Stock type CF spoiler??

18 June 2003
Conway, AR
Does anyone make a CF spoiler that looks like that stock spoiler?? I don't want the NSX-R spoiler but rather one that fits flush like the stock but made of Carbon Fiber. Anybody??
I think the Zanardi spoiler is lighter than normal NSX. However I do not know of how much weight saving...probably few pounds.
Thanks for the info. I actually want the factory look but made with carbon fiber instead...
This sounds cheesy, but your best bet is to have someone who is good with CF just cover your stock spoiler with fabric. The stock spoiler is very light, has the integrated brake light and as you point out, looks great with the lines of the car. Many of the CF dress up pieces you see are just this, CF laid up over a plastic or fiberglass "frame", and it looks just like a CF piece.
cf spoiler


Only for information.
I can produce that OEM wing in carbonfiber.
The quality is Formula 1 standard.
Its made in the vaccum stove.
Weight about 1.500 g (3.3 lbs)
Price for a model is 2.200 USD, the unit is about 1.650 USD.

Lets find 10 persons or more and we can start production.
Its possible to produce that wing adjustable in the middle part
for more downforce.