If you can’t tell by looking at it and reading the recent posts that attempt to describe the difference in detail, how the heck are we supposed to know without looking?
OK, let’s try. All covers have a weep hole, the difference is in the location. All covers also have the V bumps because those are timing markers and have nothing to do with the pump, but we'll use them as a reference point. You can see the V, which is just above and top the left of a bolt that sticks out. Just above that is the 4.6 inch diameter round “bump” in the cover. If you still have the early cover there will be a .35 inch hole along the lower left side of the bump, located a little above 8:00 on a clock face and nearly touching the edge of the bump. If there is no hole (or tube sticking out) at that location then you have a new cover and pump. OF course that does not prove you have a new belt.
However, even if you have the old cover you could have a new pump and/or belt. If the pump has been replaced with the new style they
could have modified the old cover by drilling a hole in the correct location for the new weep tube.
The tube of the new pump comes out almost straight down from the old one described above but about 2 ½ inches
lower and therefore not nearly touching the "bulge". As another reference, the new one is about three inches to the left of and slightly lower than the bolt sticking out by the V as described earlier. If the weep tube is there then you have a new style pump. But again, that alone does not prove the belt was replaced.
If that doesn’t do the trick, send me a plane ticket.