Still in love...

9 March 2000
Novato, CA, USA
I realized today how much I still like the NSX and how it is the right car for me.

I've had my car since it came out (original owner)... somewhere around 13 or 14 years!

As I'm walking to a co-worker's car to leave for lunch, I can't stop staring at my own car as we walk past it! :biggrin: It still keeps grabbing my attention after all these years.

It doesn't hurt that it got a long over due bath yesterday! She cleans up real nice.
On that note...I would be interested to see what car is kept around the longest by their owner pending any variables (liquidating assets, accident, theft, etc.). It would be interesting to see what vehicles tend to stay with their original owners the longest.
:biggrin:You are not alone man, I'm a long time owner as well and still feel like day one. I drove to work today and will visit her later on my dinner break:biggrin:
drive mine everyday and can't imagine having anything else (at least as long as i can drag myself out of it, lol).
I'm not an old owner but I hope to be - as long as I can get my old ass in and out of the car that is! It's just such a great machine and it looks soooooo good. I find myself looking at it all the time. I'll take another peak at it before I go to bed! Happy Trails !!!
Same here. I still love this thing.
When you take into account driving and maintaining, it's the best car ever made IMO.
I am in the same boat as Tim, I have'nt had her very long, about a year, but by the will of the Gods I will own her till I die. or get another and give my current one to my unborn son. I was actually thinking of getting her Vin Tattooed somewhere on my body # 415 instead of the whole Vin, J4NA1........... LOL am I crazy. you will always remember your first NSX so I wanted to show here I love her with this gesture. LOL

But If I could go back in time an know what i Know now I would have saved every dime since I was 10 to buy a new one when they came out.
and also invest in Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Apple and own the .org .net Domain names and sell them to disney for 20 million each like that guy did.

great thread Idea " if you knew what you know now and could go back in time"
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Tosugrad... yea i said what a great idea for a thread so I created one after I type the last reply. LOL
I'm not an old owner but I hope to be - as long as I can get my old ass in and out of the car that is! It's just such a great machine and it looks soooooo good. I find myself looking at it all the time. I'll take another peak at it before I go to bed! Happy Trails !!!

Tim, your speak "poetry". We are on the same boat, going down the same train track, seeing an end of the line. But for now, its "what a ride". Just love my red NSX which we all know is a little faster than silver.... :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Lotus Elise owners have alot of NSX envy when I speak to them. We have a vehicle that is easily a daily driver, whereas the Elise is a chore. My co-worker drives his in every day and it has begun to pain him to the point in which he is going to sell it and buy a vette. I love the sound, look, and feel of the NSX. It is what it is, and its not what its not. For me, its perfect every time.