Steve jobs drove with no lplates cali


15 July 2009
Guys in Cali there is a loophole in Cali DMV LAW
read this

or read this

Latest Steve Jobs Mystery Revealed: How He Drove Without License Plates

The multitude of mysteries revealed following the death of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs' death now includes one that puzzled car enthusiasts for years: How did Jobs get away with driving without a license plate? It was common knowledge that Jobs would park his Mercedes SL55 AMG in a handicapped spot at Apple's Cupertino, Calif., headquarters, with nothing to identify his vehicle other than the tiny barcode that usually rests behind the rear license plate. According to Walter Isaacson's new biography, Jobs wanted to avoid having a plate for privacy reasons; and yet when having a license-less silver Mercedes became a kind of trademark, Jobs kept motoring without one "because I don't."

For years, rumors swirled that Jobs had either won a special dispensation from California authorities or was just daring police to stop him. While the why remains somewhat cloudy, an interview by ITWire with a former Apple security executive reveals the real reason: a little-known loophole in California vehicle laws that gives owners up to six months to get plates for their vehicles.

According to Jon Callas, now chief technical officer of Entrust, Jobs would arrange with his vehicle leasing company to switch out his silver Mercedes every six months with a new, identical model<!--[if gte mso 9]> --><!--[if gte mso 9]> --><!--[if gte mso 10]><style>table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:11.0pt;font-family:"sans-serif";}</style>--> — just another of the complicated and expensive ways Jobs thought differently.<!-- yog-llu -->
just thought of something, how many TOLL roads did he take
and they could never figure out who's car it was to send the bill to?

so he got free tolls LOL smart guy
Yeah I thought I posted about this a few months ago. I was talking to one of the higher up employees at Apple and he told me the same thing, although he told me that Jobs had the dealership automatically switch out the car every 3 months (not 6 months).
So he just kept getting the temp tags switched from a duplicate vehicle?

Don't you have to still display temp tags in CA?
How did he keep from getting harassed by the local LEO?
Did he have to pay sales tax on the car every time he did this?
According to Jon Callas, now chief technical officer of Entrust, Jobs would arrange with his vehicle leasing company to switch out his silver Mercedes every six months with a new, identical model

That's an interesting story, but more interesting to me is Jon Callas is a name I haven't seen in a long time. I just looked it up to make sure and yep, I know this guy back from my days at DEC (we used to play in a text-based MUD together - MUDs were sort of the precursor to what much later became MMORPGs). He was a STRANGE guy who "married" another player in the MUD and took it incredibly seriously (was probably a dude... hahaha). Had no idea what he was doing now. If I know him, he probably has Google alerts sending him notifications when his name comes up somewhere, so, "Hi Jon!" :).
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So he just kept getting the temp tags switched from a duplicate vehicle?

Don't you have to still display temp tags in CA?

Temp "tag" is displayed on the front windshield, usually on the bottom right corner.
Rich people think differently.

I once worked with an executive who drove in the HOV lane every day, despite being a single driver. Her reasoning was that the time saved was worth the occasional $271 fine. Well, maybe.

Am I the only one who hates it when people refer to my great state as "Cali"?
I know two people, neither of them rich, who do everything they can to avoid putting their license plates on. They both left their dealer temporary registration papers taped to their windshields for years. The dot matrix printed info was completely faded away. Apparently, they wanted to make it harder for a cop to write them a parking ticket.
I'm not sure if I follow this. Wouldn't he at least be required to have a temp tag taped to his back window? And why the handicapped spot? Did he do this recently or for many many years.

I know in NJ, a driver would last about 3 seconds without a valid plate.
It's a very common thing in Cali, and it's not a loophole. If you got dollars, you can do more things than others. There are lots of interesting things around the Valley. Have you heard the incident about Larry Ellison and his silver NSX before? CHP was chasing him because of speeding, he didn’t stop the car but instead of going faster to Oracle building. After he walked in the building, then his lawyer came out and talked to the CHP. I think that’s pretty cool. Welcome to visit bay area.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
just thought of something, how many TOLL roads did he take
and they could never figure out who's car it was to send the bill to?

so he got free tolls LOL smart guy

Well if u think about it, the toll booth takes a picture and it would still capture the vin number on the barcode right?
I'm not aware of any toll road in Nor Cal other than the Bay bridge.
Rich people think differently.

I once worked with an executive who drove in the HOV lane every day, despite being a single driver. Her reasoning was that the time saved was worth the occasional $271 fine. Well, maybe.

Am I the only one who hates it when people refer to my great state as "Cali"?

That's a simple risk vs reward decision. I know I leave work so I can get to the 6-7 mile long HOV lane at 5:55, just so I can bypass all the traffic on I-5 out of Portland in the few minutes before the lane is open to all at 6 p.m. I know there is some risk, but its worth it to save 30 minutes on my commute daily. I've been doing it for 1.5 years, so whatever the fine, I'm sure it would break down to less then a dollar or two per day, which is without a doubt worth it.

I honestly don't know why others don't do it.
Temp "tag" is displayed on the front windshield, usually on the bottom right corner.

They are much better displayed in the back window of a car with a sunshade controlled by a button on the dash with only the top of the temp tag taped to the window. :wink: