Status of coolnsx (Gil)

This is great news:smile: Just take it easy Gil and hope to see you soon.
Wow, I can only imagine what Gil's (and the people who love him) last week must have been like. I'm happy to know that you're home, Gil.
Get well soon Gil !!! We have a BBQ to plan for 2011 :smile:
Your Bud, Mike
I just saw this post and am so happy to know that he is OK already. Gil is a great guy and wonderful part of the community. Really glad to hear he is ok and back home. Best wishes and get well. Hope you can be back in your kart soon. :smile:
:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: I talked to Gil today for about an hour. He is doing good! Hopefully, he will chime in on this thread. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Wonderful news and hopefully Gil will be back on his feet soon. Take care Gil!

Best Regards,


Just saw this post and I am very glad to hear that you're doing well. That is quite a scare, and I am glad to see you have Donna and Ryan next to you. Hope for a speedy recovery and see you around the neighborhood soon. If you need anything, don't hesitate to reach out.

well thats encouraging Gil is kissing people over the internet..:smile:
Thanks for all your love and concern, just got home from the hosptial with limited communication allowed. Don't know where the "XXXXX" post (#63) came from. I did respond with a detailed email on 11/12 that ended up as XXXXX somehow. Sorry, I know I have bigger issues then kisses to everyone to deal with.
I have to thank all my friends and club members for your concern about my health. Especially I have to thank Spike236 for dropping everything on all his multiple projects and flying to Vegas to give me and his Mom help all the help he cound. If it wasn't for the ICU at Spring Valley Hospital, the LVFD paramedics and most importantly Donna; if it is wasn't for her I wouldn't be here today. Sure puts a new outlook on your life and FUTURE plans.
Home on light duty for now, thanks again to all for all you prayers. Gil

P.S. Keep posting and PM'ing your photos of the event, at lease I can see what I missed. :biggrin::biggrin:
P.S. Keep posting and PM'ing your photos of the event, at lease I can see what I missed. :biggrin::biggrin:

Working on it, Gil...will double my efforts to keep you happy! Great to hear from ya!
Hi Gil,

Really, really glad to hear you are ok. My prayers have been with you since I heard about this at NSXPO, glad you pulled through it ok.

Hope to see you very soon again.

