Starbucks: agents of alqaeda?

31 March 2002
Going through McCarran today I was told by a TSA agent that I would not be permitted to take my starbucks drink through the security checkpoint because it could be used as a weapon due to the possibility of the sharp edges of the plastic. I didn't realize that it could be weaponized and posed such a threat to airline security. I then became concerned about the envelope in my bag and wondered outloud as I considered the threat it and other such paper weapons posed as they have been known to inflict nasty paper cuts as well. This actually happened, I am not making this up. The TSA moron who said this remarked that starbucks should never have given me that cup in the first place. So it begs the question, since these are the omniscient saviors of the sky, perhaps they have intel on al qaeda and their infiltration of starbucks.....
These are the same morons who make elderly ladies take off their shoes in order to rule out their threat to us, and who do full body sweeps of 5 year old boys and force women to drink their own breast milk in order to be allowed to board a flight. I bought TSA 'proof' locks for my luggage for which all agents are issued a key, to discover that these monkeys broke them off. When arriving home I inquired about this. The TSA monkey told me that they received a memo that week which instructed them on this. He said that explained what the new keys sitting on the table the last 3 weeks were for.
Is it just me, or are these people just losers who finally found their purpose in life after 9/11??
I agree that some of these security precautions have gotten out of hand. My buddy had to surrender his nail clipper, because it had a 1-inch file on it. How the hell are you going to hijack a plane with a nail clipper file???

And, yes, some of these TSA guys are on a power trip. But, that will happen anytime you give people power over others, some of them will abuse it to make themselves important.

But, I understand not making exceptions for legitimate threats (like explosives in shoes) just because you are a little old lady or a kid. Some of these would-be terrorists have no compunction about using their own kids as means to accomplish their missions. One day, a little old lady may turn out to be a religious fanatic, and then you will be happy they checked.
People always to the extreme.
It would be interesting to know what they do with the confiscated items (are they worth $$$???)
Many on security get a real power-trip from their job.

I guess A4 paper will be banned soon... a paper-cut to the throat; and you'd slowly bleed to death. :rolleyes:

i know these guys are just doing their job, but where does it end?
I have mixed feelings on security at airports..I can see the need and other times its just plain stupidity..

Ill share a story with you that you might find interesting..

I went to Miami in Nov and fly out Washington DC's Reagan Airport. I packed my bags and took along a bag I normally dony fly with beecuase I had alot of extra crap on this trip. When I ransacked my bag at home to make room for stuff I left my utility knife at the bottom by accident. Not knowing this I packed my bags and the next day made my way to the airport. I went through the xray and the metal detector and made it onto the plane and into sunny Miami. Once in my hotel I began unloading my bag to discover I had a nice sharp 5 inch blade that had been on my carry on!!!

Dept of Homeland Defense?...what a joke if you ask me..

Im not proud of what I did as it was a genuine accident but it makes me wonder... :rolleyes:
George Carlin (May 2001) Edited for language

I'm getting tired of security at the airport, There's too much of it. I'm tired of some fat chick with a double-digit IQ and a triple-digit income rootin' around inside my bag for no reason and never finding anything. Haven't found anything yet. Haven't found one bomb in one bag. And don't tell me, "Well, the terrorists know their bags are going to be searched, so now they're leaving their bombs at home." There are no bombs! The whole thing is f-in' pointless'

And it's completely without logic. There's no logic at all. They'll take away a gun but let you keep a knife. Well, what the f is that? In fact, there's a whole list of lethal objects they allow you to take on board. Theoretically, you could take a knife, an ice pick, a hatchet, a straight razor, a pair of scissors, a chain saw, six knitting needles and a broken whiskey bottle, and the only thing they would say to you is, "That bag has to fit all the way under the seat in front of you."

And if you didn't take a weapon on board, relax. After you've been flying for about an hour, they're gonna bring you a knife and fork! They actually give you a f-ing knife. It's only a table knife, but you could kill a pilot with a table knife. It might take a couple of minutes.

Especially if he's hefty. But you could get the job done. If you really wanted to kill the prck. Sht, there are a lot of things you could use to kill a guy. You could probably beat a guy to death with the Sunday New York Times, couldn't you? Suppose you just have really big hands. Couldn't you strangle a flight attendant? Sht, you could probably strangle two of them, one with each hand. That is, if you were lucky enough to catch 'em in that little kitchen area. Just before they break out the f-in' peanuts. But you could get the job done. If you really cared enough.

So why is it they allow a man with big, powerful hands to get on board an airplane? I'll tell you why. They know he's not a security risk, because he's already answered the three big questions. Question number one: "Did you pack your bags yourself?"

"No, Carrot Top packed my bags. He and Martha Stewart and Florence Henderson came over to the house last night, fixed me a lovely lobster Newburg, gave me a full body massage with sacred oils from India, performed a four-way around-the-world and then packed my bags. Next question." "Have your bags been in your possession the whole time?"

"No. Usually the night before I travel-just as the moon is rising-I place my suitcases out on the street corner and leave them there, unattended, for several hours. Just for good luck. Next question."

"Has any unknown person asked you to take anything on board?"

"Well, what exactly is an 'unknown person'? Surely everyone is known to someone. In fact, just this morning, Kareem and Youssef Ali ben Gabba seemed to know each other quite well. They kept joking about which one of my suitcases was the heaviest."

And that's another thing they don't like at the airport. Jokes. You can't joke about a bomb. Well, why is it just jokes? What about a riddle? How about a limerick? How about a bomb anecdote? You know, no punch line, just a really cute story. Or suppose you intended the remark not as a joke but as an ironic musing? Are they prepared to make that distinction? I think not! And besides, who's to say what's funny?

Airport security is a stupid idea. It's a waste of money and it's there for only one reason: to make white people feel safe. That's all it's for. To provide a feeling, an illusion, of safety in order to placate the middle class. The authorities know they can't make airplanes safe; too many people have access. You'll notice that drug smugglers don't seem to have a lot of trouble getting their little packages on board, do they? No. And God bless them, too.

And by the way, an airplane flight shouldn't be completely safe. You need a little danger in your fife. Take a f-kin' chance, will ya? What are you gonna do, play with your prck for another 30 years? Are you gonna read People and eat at Wendy's till the end of time? Take a f-kin' chance! Besides, even if they made all of the airplanes completely safe, the terrorists would simply start bombing other places that are crowded: pawnshops, crack houses, titty bars and gang bangs. You know, entertainment venues. The odds of your being killed by a terrorist are practically zero. So I say, relax and enjoy the show.

You have to be realistic about terrorism. Ya gotta be a realist: Certain groups of people--Muslim fundamentalists, Christian fundamentalists, Jewish fundamentalists, and just plain guys from Montana--are going to continue to make life in this country very interesting for a long, long time. That's the reality. Angry men in combat fatigues talking to God on a two-way radio and muttering incoherent slogans about freedom are eventually going to provide us with a great deal of entertainment.

Especially after your stupid f-kin' economy collapses all around you, and the terrorists come out of the woodwork. And you'll have anthrax in the water supply and sarin gas in the air conditioners; there'll be chemical and biological suitcase bombs in every city, and I say, "Relax, enjoy it! Enjoy the show! Take a f-kin' chance. Put a little fun in your life." To me, terrorism is exciting. I think the very idea that someone might set off a bomb in Macy's and kill several hundred people is exciting and stimulating, and I see it as a form of entertainment!

But I also know most Americans are soft, frightened, unimaginative people who have no idea there's such a thing as dangerous fun. And they certainly don't recognize good entertainment when they see it. I have always been willing to put myself at great personal risk for the sake of entertainment. And I've always been willing to put you at great personal risk for the same reason.

As far as I'm concerned, all of this airport security--the cameras, the questions, the screening, the searches--is just one more way of reducing your liberty and reminding you that they can fck with you any time they want, as long as you're willing to put up with it. Which means, of course, any time they want. Because that's the way Americans are now. They're always willing to trade away a little of their freedom for the feeling, the illusion--of security.
My wife and I were on a simple weekend vacation and signed up for a helicoptor tour. These tours are not in the terminal itself, but connected right to it on the outside before the security check points just like the check in counters. Upon arriving, I found I was low on film so I thought I would just go buy some from one of the terminal gift shops. Unfortunately, I did not have an airline ticket so I was refused entry. Sounds reasonable as they want to keep unwanted people out of the terminals where all the gates lead to the tarmack right? Well, ironically the helicoptor pad for the tours are on the same tarmack as the gates and is accessed from the outside of the building where there is NO security. All we did was enter the tour companies waiting room to watch a safety video and then was escourted onto the tarmack from the outside to await the next tour helicoptor. If I were a crazed gunman I could do some serious damage before any security could get on the tarmack and shoot me down. I could have been carrying hand granades and tossed a few of them at the planes before anyone could take me down. How stupid is that?

Just to add, before you enter the parking garage the security comes out and asked the driver to pop the trunk so they can look for bombs I guess, They walk around the car, maybe even peek under the car, but they don't asked any of the other passangers to exit the vehicle. I guess they don't care about the bomb under the passanger seat or the bad of guns on the passangers lap:rolleyes:
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A while back, flying out to pick up the NSX, I brought my cousin along to enjoy the trip. Turns out we went past the x-rays, and then they opened your bags at the gate again. They found in his bag: a pocket knife, screwdriver, and duct tape. I dont know what he normally does with that bag he brought his clothes in, but a another frisk/check ensued. It was embarrassing to say the least, but im suprised it got past the x-ray. Go figure
nkb said:
I agree that some of these security precautions have gotten out of hand. My buddy had to surrender his nail clipper, because it had a 1-inch file on it. How the hell are you going to hijack a plane with a nail clipper file???

I personally know of a aging dentist who was depressed about his health. He stabbed himself to death with a one inch nail file.
Re: George Carlin (May 2001) Edited for language

Jimbo said:
"Has any unknown person asked you to take anything on board?"

Yes, the ticket agent has asked me to take this boarding pass and ticket onto the plane.
From a previous post

Here a very funny story about my snack food addiction. First off I know they are bad for me and I should not eat them but I love the taste for some reason, especially with a beer. Pickled sausage. There is a company in Florida named Big Johns sausage. They make the best pickled sausage by far. Better than any other sausage and I think I have sampled them all. The problem is they only sell these by the gallon jar in the south east, mostly at Costco. I have tried to order direct from the company but they will only sell to wholesale buyers.

On my last trip to Florida I picked up 2 gallons at the local Costco and headed off to Mailboxes etc to ship them home. To my surprise Mailbox etc. would not ship them for fear of leaking. Oh well, I will just buy a duffel bag at Sports Authority and carry them back on the plane myself. Bad idea.

I purchased some bubble wrap and tape from Mailboxes etc and a duffle bag from Sports Authority and headed back to the hotel. I taped the top of the jars real well lined the bag with bubble wrap, wrapped the jars with bubble wrap and packaged them very tight in the bag.

The next morning I headed off to the airport with my bags checked all the other bags and took my pickled sausage bag as a carry on. I set my bag up on the x-ray machine and walk through the metal detector. The security guard is checking my shoes etc... and I see about five people charging towards me. At that very moment I see on the x-ray monitor what looks to be a duffle bag with two jars full of dynamite sticks encompassed in wires (the bubble wrap). I head off to a room where I open the bag to show that I in fact do not have anything more dangerous than pickled sausages.

Well it gets worse. While on the plane I have to put the jars of sausages (now unwrapped for security purposes) under the seat in front of me. About half way through the flight I hear from the gentleman sitting in front of me.."what's that smell" I look down at the floor and it is saturated in pickled polish sausage juice. OMG! As soon as the plane landed I ran to the airport bathroom, bag dripping and smelling like rotten feet. I used about Two rolls of toilet paper to soak up as much of the mess as possible but the bag stunk for the rest of the flight home. I was so embarrassed.
donwon said:

That must be some serious pickled sausage. We got nothing but "Big Momma's" out here.

I like big mommas too especially the Tijuana momma. The ones I get from Florida are the glow in the dark red color and they have that snap when you bite in to them.
A bit off topic...

I work in Irving,TX which is near near DFW Airport, and one day accidently took the wrong exit and ended up inside the airport.

Okay...not too bad I thought...I'll likely be 5 minutes happens...

Then I saw the LED screens, flags, and signs - Terror Alert Orange - be prepared to stop - search in progress.

Naturally the profanity's began to flow out of my mouth faster than split pea soup being rejected by an infant - especially since this is a one way road to the entrance gates and its about 1.5 miles long.

My car was filthy at the time and I had all sorts of crap in the back, including my trench coat covering a stack of books which I intentionally put there to keep them from sliding around.

I saw some cars got more attention then others. I'm not sure why. I figured with all the crap in mine, and being I have somewhat long black hair, I'd definately be searched.

Less than 5 seconds.

That's how long it took them. Our country is supposed to be taking all these precautions and these guys just waive me by.

I was very shocked and to this day still am by that. I was prepared to tell them "Sorry, I was supposed to stay on 114 east but accidently got off here. I just need to loop around" and never even got a chance to say a word before they said "okay. you're good"

I had a similar experience last month, flying out of DFW.

I was driving a hatchback with nothing in the back. The security guy at the toll booth is about to have me pop the trunk when he realizes that he can see the cargo area through the hatch window. He glances in for a split-second, sees nothing, waves me on.

I mean, come on! I would have to be the dumbest terrorist in the world to carry something suspicious-looking in the hatch, for all to see. Meanwhile, I could have been packing 100 lbs of C4 in the spare tire compartment, which is underneath the hatch area.

A lot of these security measures are based on scare tactics, I think, hoping that the mere fact that someone is checking cars, however perfunctorily, will dissuade some would-be terrorists.