Star Wars Episode2:

27 March 2000
Palos Verdes, CA
Attack of the Clones?

What the f**k is George smoking?!?! I thought "Phantom Menace" was a bad name, but this is worse. I hope this isn't indicative of where the series is headed since TPM was my least favorite of the saga....

'00 Acura NSX-T (red/black), '97 Honda Civic HX (black)
"Reality is better than the dream..."

[This message has been edited by akira3d (edited 06 August 2001).]
God...I almost makes me sick to my stomach!!!!!! It sounds like a bad B-Movie or something!!!! I think it is just a sick thing with Lucas to see how mad he can make the new trilogy and keep us coming back. I have been hoping that EP2 would be better than TPM but now I have a feeling that it may only get worse.
HOPEFULLY it will only be the name that we rue. When Jim (humanoid) told me about it...I was being bitten by ants in my back that I think about the situation it was appropriate. Damn..."Attack of the Clowns...I mean Clones"

What IS he smokin?

Got dat ol' vee six cilnder inder?
The name fits.

In TPM the army of robots failed because the control ship was knocked out. In Episode 4 Star Wars they talked about the Clone Wars.I would guess that another battle is about to take place, this time fought by an army of clones from human cloning. (Its a hip topic right now anyway in current events and the media)

Origin of the StormTropers were also rumored to be a bit of the influence of the posible cloning of an army.

If the cloned army fails.... then it would lead to the last attempt to control the empire which is the Death Star.
That title sucks. We are talking about some of the most creative people in the business and all they can come up with is "Attack of the Clones"????

NetViper -= 100% Stock EBP 2000 Civic Si =- Still looking to get an NSX, but at least I can live life at 8,000 RPM!
The name fits

But it sounds stupid.

I think that every Star Wars fan is expecting that the Clone Wars will be featured at some point in the prequels, but I think we were all looking forward to more creative (and less b-movie style) titles.

What's next? Star Wars Episode 3: It Came From the Dark Side?

And to think, this guy was my childhood inspiration. He's even an NSX owner...

Of course, the movie could be worse than we ever imagined. Just think...a clone army of JAR JARS!

[This message has been edited by akira3d (edited 07 August 2001).]
Well, obviously the name is hoping to garner some of the mega success that 'Attack of the 50 foot woman' attracted back in its day....

Dear god, it does sound horrible....but just as bad as 'The Empire Strikes Back', that title does the same thing - describe the basic plot in the title. It sounds just as cheezy, but you've grown up with it so you don't think of it as super cheese.
but just as bad as 'The Empire Strikes Back'...sounds just as cheezy

"No....that's not true....that's imPOSSible..."

[This message has been edited by akira3d (edited 07 August 2001).]
On thing that Lucas has always said is that he wanted the title to remind people of those old '30s and '40s serials. That's why titles like "A New Hope", "The Empire Strikes Back", "Return of the Jedi", and especially "The Phantom Menace". (Taken on it's own, "The Empire Strikes Back" is really a silly sounding movie title.)


1995 NSX-T
1999 3.2TL
2001 Odyssey
1992 SC400
Why not just "Clone Wars?" Sounds good to me. The working title of a film can change many times during production, so I wouldn't count out another change.
Matrix: Reloaded. NOW THATS A TITLE!
Personally, I thought Matrix blew TPM AWAY that year. Although I'm really looking forward to Ep2, I still expect M2 to be even better.
Originally posted by ilya:
Why not just "Clone Wars?"

Hmm, "Star Wars: Episode 2: The Clone Wars" . Hey, that actually sounds very good. Simple, concise, straight to the point, even reminds of old movie serials. Oh wait, did I say simple? Ooops, Lucas can't do that. Makes too much sense.

1995 NSX-T
1999 3.2TL
2001 Odyssey
1992 SC400

[This message has been edited by FuryNSX (edited 07 August 2001).]
I would assume the Clone Wars don't officially start until Episode 3.

As for getting a job there, have you seen the behind the scenes video clip of George walking around with a big approval stamp? I've heard that you get fired for just speaking TO him (without being spoken to first)...imagine what he'd do if you actually criticized one of his ideas...

[This message has been edited by akira3d (edited 07 August 2001).]
***I've heard that you get fired for just speaking TO him (without being spoken to first)...imagine what he'd do if you actually criticized one of his ideas...***

What a terrible way to run a creative company. He comes up with some brilliant stuff, but when he dreams up a real "loogie" there's nobody to knock him off his cloud. Oh well... he'll hear it from the rest of us if he disaapoints. Lord knows he's already hearing it all over the Internet for that title.

***then made one that should have been syndicated to the Disney Channel.***

I agree that it felt a bit too "kiddy" for me. The only part of the film that really made me feel like I was watching the Star Wars of old was the great race sequence in the middle. I thought that was excellent.

[This message has been edited by ilya (edited 07 August 2001).]
Cut out everything to do with Jar Jar and the film is no longer quite so kiddie. Perhaps that's why I enjoyed TPM more on my second visit (because I could anticipate Jar Jar scenes and mentally extract them from the film).