If you have ever had experience with the police, enough to actually know what the real truth is- not what you read in police reports, the news, or some axxhole "witness" who is seeking his 15 minutes of fame after the fact, then you would (hopefully) think twice about just stepping aside and inviting the police in to search your home.
IMO the police generally see the world like this: those of us in blue (the good guys exempt from the laws) and the rest of the world (people we get to arrest with or without probable cause). If you are not in blue you are just someone who needs to be dealt with one way or another.
I actually like and respect the honest, hardworking police -was one for a long career. Unfortunately, not all are like that. However that does not cause me to foolishly give up my rights, then, now, never.
Same here. No warrant, you are not getting in and if you try you better be swat or it's going to be a blood bath. Slight exaggeration, that's derived from an old rap song, felt appropriate.