St. Louis area ownership

St. Louis guys... Rahul and I are meeting at Westport tomorrow, 8/18, at 8:00. Would be great to see Don, Tyler, 7tcatvert and 96 NSX-T, and any other locals there too. I have to leave before 9.
Sorry taking daughter back to college on Saturday . Rah
Sorry we missed you. Just saw this, and totally forgot about Saturday till too late. Celebrating anniv (55, what a blessing to have the love of my life for this long) for a couple of days prior. Did have the Lady out in the early cool of the evening for a quick run to St. Peters and back, no stops, just a loop, a few max acceleration moves, and a slow cruise past Fast Lane, which incidentally is really looking good with the new building. Some nice examples of speed, old times and classics added. On my to do list on a weekly basis. New MBC functioning well.
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In case you don't see PM, pls pm me your email and/or phone. Have a bunch of news for you.

Dragon Lady reaches a milestone this week.dragon lady @ 100,000.jpg You have to zoom in. On the ramp at Page and Lindberg.
From my post in Memorabilia:

Looking for a quantity of 90's red HW coupe. In that we own one in a partnership with the Lord, and share it as a result, rides, allowing the kids to sit in it at car shows, (drives the "polishing every minute and don't touch" Corvette people nuts), and try to give every kid who does, and acts like he wants to be a car guy, a hot wheels NSX. Cheap way to try to do some good in the world in a unique way.
My Dragon Lady just broke the 100,000 mile mark, and truly is a driver, though it looks pretty good and is almost perfect mechanically.

If you happen to have a quantity of the red ones that you want to sell reasonably and contribute to make a small, smiling (read grinning widely and almost ready to wet his pants when he or she gets out) kid happy, kindly let me know and the prices.
Thanks in advance, and
Anyone heading to Westport this weekend?
I won't be able to do it, sorry! I have a front wheel bearing making noise so it's parked until I can get to it. Need to order parts, then the NSX-trained tech who works at our local Honda dealer will do the work. Sweet arrangement! I'll probably have him do the O2 sensors too since they're original and at 144K miles.

Other than that, I found an old-school HKS exhaust, super high quality Japanese aftermarket part, and I'll be installing that with some Pride high-flow cats over the winter. Thinking about headers (OEM later model) but not sure if I want to pop for that.

Rahul, did you get a chance to do the ABS work yet?

Later dudes, Dave
Anyone reading?, anyone, anyone, Buehler, Buehler, anyone! Sighting today at the cupcake place on Delmar and 170, Kaiser silver KY plates.
Anyone attending tomorrow? NOt publicised I guess. 3rd Saturday.......................
There’s a black one on BAT right now, St. Louis car, low miles.
Went yesterday to the Cars & Coffee yesterday am and pulled a Tyler, parked in the back. Almost immediately, was surrounded by a bunch of young people looking and asking about the car, so I opened the door and let them all try out the cockpit. You wouldn't believe the enthusiasm of this group. Probably 10-15, some of them kiddingly chiding me for not parking further up. What a blast! Could not believe their interest.
At least we were represented, and to my amazement, drew a young crowd. IMHO prettiest car there, was a 1947 Jaguar sedan black with red leather interior. Absolutely gorgeous. Neat owner as well. Total tool kit in the trunk and restored to it's original grandeur. Fit for the Queen.
Wondered if anyone reading on the St. Louis site. Dragon Lady on the trickle charger, almost out yesterday at 55 degrees, but just not enough time, and the clouds rolled in. Hope all is well with the rest of the group. Can't wait to get the flat spots off the tires, but temp needs to be high enough to do so.
Blessings for the New Year to all of you.
Hey Don! Yes, I follow this whenever I get a notice.

We headed out the Sunday before Christmas on a two-hour trip to see a photography exhibit. About 30 minumtes away the X just died; pulled over and it restarted immediately, so we headed back to swap for the BMW. There's a thread on Prime in General Discussions about it... I think I got it fixed and have done a couple of 30-45 minute drives without issue. If I have the issue again, I have a new ignition switch, main relay (already has a new one in there), fuel pump power relay and fuel pump resistor ready to swap in. I'll probably get a spare new fuel pump too. Could also be the igniter but that looks doubtful and it's a $$$ part.

BTW, I highly recommend using a Group 24F battery next time you need to replace. Quite a bit more cranking power and everything electric works noticably better (windows, seats, etc.), and it's only slightly larger and maybe 2+? pounds over the OEM Group 35. The 24F is actually the correct battery for the automatics and it fits just fine.

Nice weather has me longing for spring! We're heading to FL in mid-Feb... would love to take the X but my lovely bride says no deal, and she's smarter than me.

Happy New Year, StL NSX Dudes!
Got these in the mail today from a kid who used to work for me. Thought of you Don when I saw the Hot Wheels. Pretty sweet, huh?

Hope the weather clears soon so I can give The Little Red Whore a wash and start getting out!


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Classic, thanks for the thoughts. Glad you solved the problem on your car. I remember swapping out the top half of the ignition switch early after I bought the car.
Anyone to C&C this week????? Anyone, anyone?
I was planning on it but my wife has informed me I have other plans 🤨 Maybe next month?
Haven't seen anything from our group. Any one there?
What about next weekend at Westport. The Dragon Lady is really ready, now with a new master cylinder and plugs, she purrs like a tiny kitten. A/c Artic cold thanks to Steve Moss @ St. Louis Acura. What a guy, he takes such good care of her, can't say enough good things about him.
Anyone headed to C&C tomorrow?
Well.....................................we were there on Arnage blvd for Cars and COFFEE?????? 40-50 cars, a lot of spectators, little parking as the Hilton has put up a hotel in front of the dealership...................and no coffee or water . Not complaining, as coffee wasn't far away, but not like the last couple I attended, where there was some along with cookies etc.
Our marque was represented, but didn't get a whole lot of attention as the kids are attracted to the Lambo's and Ferraris.
West Port, we'll see you there.
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