Good attendance at the Church show in St. Charles, about 50 cars, mostly Corvettes and Mustangs, however a real plethora of others, and one NSX, yours truly. The rain held off till about 1 PM. Truly wonder why some in the Corvette community really feel the need to take some delight in bashing the NSX. Decided to park smack dab in the middle of a group of new and classic ones, and had an interesting time. When you have something truly classic and excellent, you simply don't have to take pot shots at anything competitive.
Interesting that some of those looking at the NSX, a couple of young Corvette owners and participants, were more interested in sitting in the car, asking if it was for sale, and taking pictures, totally ignoring the running commentary. Need I say more. When you've got it, flaunt it, gracefully!