SRS Light

Briank said:
I think you can install a resistor in the circuit to fool the control box but I don't know off the top of my head what the value is.
One should be able to contact the manufacturer of the air-bag unit for the resistance. I don't think it would be a good idea to attempt to check it yourself, because ohmmeters use a small charge to determine resistance and I have no idea what the trigger voltage is.
Its really easy. Look at the plug that connects to the air bag. There are 4 or 5 pins. YOu'll notice that one pin is separated from the rest. YOu just need to take a wire and connect the separated wire with one of the other wires (I cannot remember which one). As soon as you touch the wire to the pins, the light turns off.
Thanks for the input everyone. After weighing all the options I have decided to try to jumper the SRS leads to see if I can “fake out” the lack of am air bag. I will post a progress report when done. By the way i am in a little bit of a hurry because the JGTC event is Sat. So I got to get it right! :cool:
Briank said:
I think you can install a resistor in the circuit to fool the control box but I don't know off the top of my head what the value is.
I have to takeoff my momo steering wheel tommorrow,I will let you know what pins to jump as thats all their is to it and I cant remember off the top of my head which ones to jumper, I wil post the correct jumper pins asap in the am.
Did it once and got it right the first time with help from Prime members. I jumpered pins 1&3 with the only difference being
a 0.2k ohm resistor added, connected the battery and the SRS light cycled normaly. Thanks again for the help. :biggrin: