Spring NSX meet (NW, Seattle)

Make sure those cars are spotless!!! They are gonna be in the spotlight, and you will want to pass the Honey Badger white glove test ;)

- The HB
Hello All,

I think we have a great plan. So to recap we will meet at the:

14930 NE 24th St, Redmond, WA
DIRECTIONS: Get off highway 520 at 148th, go south one block to 24th, turn east/left and go one block and turn north/left to parking lot that has RiteAid-Starbucks-Safeway. You will see Sears and Red Robin directly south across 24th street.

We will meet at 8:00 am and head out at 8:15 to the town center. Try not to be late.

I propose the following route:
http://api.viglink.com/api/click?fo...ested route.&jsonp=vglnk_jsonp_13367193702682

for a drive after we meet at the town center. We can then eat lunch at the Redhook Woodinville Brewery. Can someone print this off? Bring it and whoever has a radar detector and a laser shifter should drive in front (on point). See you guys there on Saturday morning.

Make sure those cars are spotless!!! They are gonna be in the spotlight, and you will want to pass the Honey Badger white glove test ;)

- The HB

I am usually too lazy haha. But I can be put in the "dirty corner" if we need :). See everyone on this gorgeous Saturday approaching!
Let's get as many as we can to the Starbucks/Safeway lot at 8AM for the drive in. As a new NSX owner I look forward to seeing, and hearing, all your cars. Mine is 100% stock and I've been doing research on headers to replace my cast iron manifolds for a little HP gain, weight loss, and perhaps a better sound.
Great showing by everyone today - Someone counted 15 NSX at Exotics @ RTC. I hope the drive to Redhook went well. I wish I didn't have to head off to work. I ended up driving some of the route after work on my way home.

Stay tuned for a "Dash to the pass" some of us may do this weekend. There is a bunch of us from the Ferrari & BMW clubs that do this a couple times each summer.
WOW, what a great showing by the NSX guys. What a nice showing of all the other EXOTIC cars too. The weather was just SUPER.

Thanks John for making this happen. You, your daughter and the other help did a GOOD JOB although she wouldn't let me park my Honda FIT in with the other EXOTIC cars. (I think that she didn't want me to show them up.)

Good to see you,
Nice to meet you Brad.
BTW, I just found out my son has a two pictures of him flying the F-15E in the May issue of Combat Aircraft Monthly that has a feature on your neighbors: the Gunfighters Squadron at Mountain Home AFB - check it out if you are in a store that has a large magazine selection. http://www.combataircraft.net/central/images/covers/large/4719.jpg

Hope to see you at NSXPO, perhaps drive together if you go to Denver as I'll be driving through Boise (hopefully to pick up my son along the way)

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