Spring NSX meet (NW, Seattle)

8 June 2010
Hello All,

I am new to the NSX, having just acquiring my car earlier this year. I have seen a lot of fellow NSX owners at the Redmond town center on Saturdays, but I was thinking it would be great for all of us to meet up just the NSX's. I think this could be good to not only get introductions, but also serve as a first meeting for the NSXPO this year. I think there are a lot of us trying to drive down in a caravan. I was thinking about May 12th or 13th. We could meet at the Redmond town center and then have a bit of a meet and drive after. Thoughts? Interest? Thanks guys,

A drive after Exotics@RTC would be great. Im there every week:wink:
Sounds great guys. It looks like we can get quite a bit of interest. Especially since we are a few weeks away. It seems that May 12th would be the optimum day. We can meet at the Redmond town center and then go for a cruise. For sure, we are all praying for nice non-Seattle weather. Does someone want to plan a route? Make sure you let other fellow NSXers know our plan. I am looking forward to meeting all of you. Thanks again.

that would be nice!! I would love to check your car out. OP: your car is fixed already? I'll be there if it's not raining as well.


Nice to hear from you. I will be back from Asia early next week. I have everything to fix my car, but I just need to put it in. I also have a new KW V3 set up I want to install. I was hoping you had Franky's phone number as I still wanted to ask for his help. Please shoot me a PM or email with the details. Thanks and see you soon.

If I can get a count of how many NSX's are coming to Exotics@RTC I will make sure we get front row accomodations:wink: So whos in?

Mike B

What day is this for? The proposed meet date, May 12th? Or is this for next weekend, as I know Redmond is running every weekend? For sure, I am also in if this is for the 12th. Thanks for the clarification.


If I can get a count of how many NSX's are coming to Exotics@RTC I will make sure we get front row accomodations:wink: So whos in?

Mike B
I am one of the organizers for Exotics@RTC so I have plugged in May12th as NSX day. We just need a car count so that I can keep reserved spaces available.
This is awesome. Looks like we will have a great showing of NSXs. Please remember we are a well organized show, so just a few simple rules: No Reving, burnouts or just being an ass. We get several hundred spectators each weekend and over 100 cars. This is our chance to show off the long forgotten 'SuperCar'. So clean these beauties up and see you 8:30am at Exotics@RTC:biggrin:
Initial weather report looks decent with a slight chance of rain. Hope as we get closer and its more accurate it will still show the same :biggrin:.

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