Spotted Ferrari CA in the cargo hold of a 747

That doesn't look like a real safe way to ship that car. Maybe it's just me...

That's what I'm thinking.
When shipping anything, you want to have enough support for 3 g's of forward/aft , 2 g's of lateral, & 1 1/2 g's of vertical. I think they could have done a better job with the strap tie downs angles, at least with the ones tied to the front of the car. Looks like they only used 4 straps, but there could be more underneath the car.
That's what I'm thinking.
When shipping anything, you want to have enough support for 3 g's of forward/aft , 2 g's of lateral, & 1 1/2 g's of vertical. I think they could have done a better job with the strap tie downs angles, at least with the ones tied to the front of the car. Looks like they only used 4 straps, but there could be more underneath the car.

Yhey probably have the emergency brake set so it's fine.
it looks pretty excited about it.


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That's what I'm thinking.
When shipping anything, you want to have enough support for 3 g's of forward/aft , 2 g's of lateral, & 1 1/2 g's of vertical. I think they could have done a better job with the strap tie downs angles, at least with the ones tied to the front of the car. Looks like they only used 4 straps, but there could be more underneath the car.

I believe they're secured to the pallet and then the cookie sheet is locked into place in the hold. That's how all the cars I've seen were loaded. I'm not a planner/loader, but I'm in freight forwarding and we've handled several one-off cars at my last job
The front's not so bad but that rear end is just nasty.
Look at the pics that were taken on Edmunds insideline site... These pics were taken by Ferrari :)
you guys seriously like that pos? it looks like a friggen toyota. at least you can rest assured that there will be an accurate kit car for this one..... why would you buy this thing when you could buy an MR2 :tongue:

i honestly don't know why ferrari decided to make that thing - complete departure from its current designs.... in the wrong direction.
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Yeah, looks just like an MR2 aside from the accomodations for the engine in the wrong place, the larger interior, and the pininfarina design.
Look at the way it's been secured... the way the tie-downs are set. I wouldn't be happy if someone did that to my NSX.

I had a tow truck driver secure a car I owned the same way (through the wheel) It wrecked the suspension peice on the passengers side front. It was a BMW and the cost to repair was quite high.
"The back looks like a large mouth bass with its mouth open. "

hahha yea it does! front end looks like the mugen bumpers for s2ks...

sideshots seemed nice.. interior ugh :(
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looks like a cross between a Miata and a MR2.... :rolleyes: