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Spoon side mirrors for S2000

Why not just get the Route-KS / Suzuka-GT mirror covers, for your factory power mirrors?


She likes them:

yeah prolly too big for a stock body
Keep in mind folks that the mirrors are different on an LHD car vs a RHD. The probability is high that neither the Spoon mirrors or the Route KS covers will fit a US NSX very well since the mirrors are angled differently.
<a target='_blank' title='imageshack - image and video hosting' href='http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/232/64871667.jpg/'><img src='http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/1659/64871667.jpg' border='0'/></a>

GSX-R mirrors?

Any1 know if the base on the spoon mirrors will fit over the hole in the door? I like the replica CF version a lot. I wish they were a lil bigger.
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GSX-R mirrors?

Any1 know if the base on the spoon mirrors will fit over the hole in the door? I like the replica CF version a lot. I wish they were a lil bigger.

They are Italian Made high end mirrors, not from Gsx-r although do look similiar. I made a custom rubber/plastic base for them to mount to and cover the oem holes. I suspect the Spoon ones will not cover the OEM NSX location.