Spooler has it right

29 May 2003
Spooler's design is right on the money.
The ASCC is way off. Not exotic at all. Looks like every other main stream GT
out there.
Guess I'll be keeping my 94' until the end of time....... I had really been looking forward to the HSC or something close to it.

Spooler's design is right on the money.
The ASCC is way off. Not exotic at all. Looks like every other main stream GT
out there.
Guess I'll be keeping my 94' until the end of time....... I had really been looking forward to the HSC or something close to it.


Hey thanx Elton,

It's not so much that the Ascc is way off, it's just not the follow on car we had hoped.

It's ugly but they will work on that, motor should be brutal.

I'll be keeping mine forever as well. When it's threw I'll either crush it or put an electric motor in it when they become available:biggrin: .

i'll confess i've given thought to this very same approach. a bit like a giant slot car :)


How bout converting it into a mini sub?

or lol...gut it completely moving Driver seat to center..buy two late model Hayabusas for motors. Frankenstein them in side by side...Use chain drive for further cost savings. Rig linkages. Think of it on the track lol..would sound like F1 cause Busa motors peak well above 10.000rpm.

I think someone did this (Busa Motors attached) for race car.
