Spoiled girl. "Daddy, it's the wrong color!!"

You think that clip was bad, you should look up a show called My Super Sweet Birthday or something close to that. I forgot the name on purpose so as never to see it again for fear of snapping mentally and doing something I may enjoy, but regret. The amount of attitude the kids and the parents had just because they had money was disgusting, made you want to go beat them down with their own checkbooks.
Similar situation... Damn Brat!
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/0pfqOhtM30c&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/0pfqOhtM30c&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
They should have just got that spoiled brat a GLOCK 23! Kid's who act like that nobody is to blame but the parent's. My god daughter's mom told her daughter to stop acting like a brat or I'll put you over my knee! Desire', my god daughter said "I'll call the police if you spank me" and her mom handed her the phone and said "the number's 911 go ahead and call but you ass is getting spanked for disrespecting me"!
Needless to say Desire' has turned out to be a fine young women.:wink:
Kids these days feel entitled to a lot. My sister is 16 and wants an Infiniti G35for her first car. Lucklily I talked some sense into her so now she's 'settling' for a new civic. I really can't believe it. I'm 23 now, work at a decent paying job, and am still content with driving around our old Ford family van. The only reason I'm thinking of buying a new car is because I want something smaller and more gas efficient. I could see where it's all coming from though. Some of her classmates drive the latest cars, we're talking C-class Mercedes, 3 series BMW's, and one even has a hot Z4. What are the parents thinking? My sister says they won't drive anything Japanese, and yet they don't know a thing about their European cars. Ridiculous.
What are the parents thinking?

Parents are thinking "buy them out to shut them up instead of being a parent". Im old school but IMO parents are not there to be your friend or to be cool, they are their to be a parent and have the balls to tell the kids NO. Call me a prick but even if I had millions, if my kid came up to me and said they wanted a new BMW when they turn 16, sorry to dissapoint you pal, you're getting a Civic. I don't buy into the mantra of working my ass off so my kids dont have to. That to me breeds laziness and a thought process that makes them think they should be able to get anything they want or get away with anything they want with little or no effort. But thats just my 2 cents.
Similar situation... Damn Brat!
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/0pfqOhtM30c&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/0pfqOhtM30c&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

OMG, like, that was like, totally my exact reaction when I like, got my NSX. Word for word. Like, I even said that you f'n ruined my life. Like, the guy I bought it from was like, confused since I was purchasing it by myself. He was even more confused like, when I told him that like, the party was off. He was all like, "what party?" OMG, WTF??
I'd put that b*tch on the bus!
I happened to catch that Sweet 16 show on MTV once and there was a girl who was CRYING because she got a Lexus roadster instead of some Benz or whatever else she wanted... She was 16! These spoiled kids should be shot dead! Seriously, why is it illegal to do so??? They're not gonna turn out any good! Their parents should be beaten too for buying them cars that kids shouldn't drive (remember the airstrip M5?)!

edit: That's the video above, I just noticed... Send her ass to a third world country so she can learn to value life...
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Sweet 16!!!! lol... here is Ava... I don't know why all the spoiled brats are also hot. Wingz, this one is up your alley.

"this range rover is used?" ... "eeeeuuw".... hahaha


Sweet 16!!!! lol... here is Ava... I don't know why all the spoiled brats are also hot. Wingz, this one is up your alley.

"this range rover is used?" ... "eeeeuuw".... hahaha



Dude I so learned my lesson when I was young never date a rich girl as they are damaged goods! Plus you thought she was hot? Nice body ,but that nose .playa how could you get past that:confused:

Also I could only watch two minutes of that as I really wanted to smack her!
I would like to see a video of the look on my face on my 16th birthday when my dad told me I could BORROW my mom's 8 year old beige wood paneling station wagon to go to work if I got a job.:mad:

but this video clip was such a fake * :rolleyes:
:eek: i had to buy my first car for $500 and then do the bodywork and paint. 1969 cortina.

revenge will come when she's forty and there are younger vacuous bimbettes around. Daddy can't help then, because, well, he's probably dead. Then again after that plastic surgery thread, maybe she can look forward to being a monstrosity. :confused:
That is really sad, if the video is real and the girl is not an actress.

Unfortunately I have seen many kids like that, no sense of appreciation, overly privilege/spoiled kids on University campus. It is one thing to be privlleged (nothing wrong with that if they had right attitude) but another to have really snubby attitude. Freaking their parents are even paying for their own tuitions.

Don't like the color, buy your own. If it one thing to be picky about color if you are buying it for yourself with your hard earned money. And another to be picky when it is given to you as a gift. If the parents want to give snubby kids a reality check, the easiest way is take away all the privilages. That will do the trick. Parents are the ones to blame, not the kids. The kids were once a blank canvas.

I bought my first car when I was nineteen with a loan and ass rapping interest rate. My parents wanted to buy me really expensive BMW or Mercedes family sedans that they like me to drive and gave me a take it or leave it deal. I have really bad attitude and took leave it route and pissed them off. My dad didn't talk to me after that for several years. He didn't understand back then. I am stubbon, so is dad. I admit I would had took it if it were car I want. A family sedan? I didn't see value of that back then. Wasting someone's money is still wasting.

Everything happen for a reason. God is really good to me and gave me that opportunity. Use buying my first car as motivation, worked at importing retail shop back then, learned from the owner, and started traveling to Japan 8~10 times a year for 8 years straight and saw the business opportunities. Opportunities are there, but someone got to work their ass off to get it.

6 other cars later, and paying my own tuition and going back to school just because I want to learn, and enjoying being a student, not because I want to work for someone and get an interview opportunity with a freaking piece of paper. I think I did alright, C/passing grade.

I would had been one of those snubby kid and have no sense of appreciation. If I had merely accepted gift like that and not disciplined myself. There is no such thing as free lunch, wasting someone's money is still wasting.
Dude I so learned my lesson when I was young never date a rich girl as they are damaged goods! Plus you thought she was hot? Nice body ,but that nose .playa how could you get past that:confused:

Also I could only watch two minutes of that as I really wanted to smack her!

What can you say, she's a half drewish princess.
