
Originally posted by bluenite33:

Oh Mr. I-can't-find-the-caps-lock-key, you are just too funny! You conveniently blow off the invitation to go to the NSXPO that's close to home, with promises to drive all the way to Texas for next year's event... in your imaginary car, no doubt! What a riot you are!
You know, I've found that most of the people with enough financial stability to own an NSX or other fairly expensive exotic have been through enough crap in life that they are mostly stripped of this kind of juvenile attitude.

Working hard, and going through the hardships of acquiring enough money to buy such things typically tempers your attitude toward people and hostile people. You can almost ALWAYS tell an exotic car owner who has EARNED their car by their attitude.

Sorry to say, but this boy doesnt have it.
Originally posted by bluenite33:
i'm out of this club cause of all you [DELETED BY ADMIN] that think you know better than we do about an nsx..... [DELETED BY ADMIN]

If you have really done what you claim I'm sure we would all be interested. But nobody wants to converse with someone who acts juvenile and fills their messages with obscenities and insults. It will not be tolerated here. It really sickens me that you are acting like this at such a time.
Originally posted by bluenite33:
you guys are so bogus as to not believing me because most of you guys never had the pleasure of going 220 MPH!!!

Anyone that could have done this, would have most definately gotten some kind of evidence so as to gain publicity.

Originally posted by bluenite33:
it's not like i am bragging or nothing..... this whole thing started as a simple question......

Originally posted by bluenite33:
let me know if anyone has gotten it over 220 mph!!! sounds crazy? maybe it is, but don't worry about how i did!

Oh nooooo, definately no bragging there. BTW, that was your initial post.

Originally posted by bluenite33:
it's not like i am bragging or nothing.....

I hate people that use double negatives...

Originally posted by bluenite33:
you guys with these nsxs are a bunch of rich dude that can afford it cause you can, not because you love it's technology, design, ect.

I am still in college, I'm definately not old, and i definately love the NSX, and i BARELY CAN AFFORD IT. The people that frequent these boards are well educated, articulate individuals. You are not, you don't even have the maturity to remove the slang from your posts.

Originally posted by bluenite33:
i have rebuilt(with the help of my buddies) the whole engine... so forget ya'll who think they are better than me.... cause if you think i am lying....i'm not!

How do you figure that not believing you translates into thinking one is better than you.. Do you by any chance own a Supra? (Apologies to decent Supra owners for the low blow)

Originally posted by bluenite33:
but pics will not be available of it till next spring....

Sure sounds like a Supra owner....

Originally posted by bluenite33:
i just thought you guys would have been nice enough to be happy for someone that achieved this goal(one day we'll pass the 220 mph mark)

Had you achieved this goal, I would have been happy for you. Had you even had an education, I would have treated you with some respect...

Originally posted by bluenite33:
but til next spring you can only dream about going 220 mph...

I don't dream about going 220.. Oh how trivial your life is...

Originally posted by bluenite33:
i'm out of this club cause of all you [DELETED BY ADMIN] that think you know better than we do about an nsx..... [DELETED BY ADMIN]

Definately a Supra owner!

Had you any class, I would have entertained your BS... Actually, I'm rather enjoying this.. And we both know you will read every post in this thread....Your curiousity will keep bringing you back! Hope your enjoying this, cause I sure am!

95 T bl/bl @ 39.6K
DC Headers
RM DTM Exhaust
CT Strut Tower Bar

[This message has been edited by SigEpUCI (edited 12 September 2001).]
I fully agree with your assessment except that bit about the Supra Owner. There is no way anyone could get the pig of a Supra up to 220 mph! Harr dee Harr Harr! Seriously the Supra is a nice car, but I very seriously doubt that 220 can be achieved in that car.
Originally posted by bill:
I fully agree with your assessment except that bit about the Supra Owner. There is no way anyone could get the pig of a Supra up to 220 mph! Harr dee Harr Harr! Seriously the Supra is a nice car, but I very seriously doubt that 220 can be achieved in that car.

Hahahah, yeah I like the Supra, I was just commenting on the disposition of they stereotypical Supra owner
Not that I believed anything the original poster had to say... on the other note... I'm pretty sure a Supra can hit over 220mph considering they've been known to push 1000+HP. Some weight reduction, body work, gearing, etc... and I wouldn't be surprised.

The Corvette Callaway Speedster (C4) held (maybe still holds) the indoor speed record at 220+MPH (225 I think). It was displayed at Corvette Mike's here in CA.
hey uci, i don't have a college degree or nothing, but i do have a lot of heart! and for all you that think i'm not mad at the terrorist attacks, i am. it's just as hard for me to believe something like this has happened to the U.S.A. i was not thinking clearly at the time i posted my reply with that immature last statement... i was mad at you guys as much as as i was at the terrorists cause you hit me where it hurt... i'm not asking anyone to believe in me, but i have worked on NS-Xs for over 9 years(eversince they came out almost) i was olny 18 at the time! i apologize if anyone was offended by my posting, (i think i speak to Lud on this one) but you guys should be happy for someone who has achieved his life long goal for the past 4 years of building a car beyond imaginations.... my heart and soul is in that car and so is the heart of some of my crew.... but for you guys to start making obscene remarks about an NS-X is even harder for me to grasp... I'LL SEE YOU GUYS AT THE TX NSXPO with my nsx for you guys to see but not touch! he he
till then this is my last posting for this club
If this is true, I would like to see this car of yours Blue. However, I find it difficult to believe that an NSX can reach such speeds. There are few cars that can reach such speeds "out the box". I am curious as to what speeds the JGTC NSXs can reach. As far as I know they top out at about 180-190mph; does anyone know for sure?

In any case, please excuse any typos or spelling errors. I have worked 32 of the last 48 hours; and I am still quite shaken up by what has happened. God bless the heroes that gave there lives for others. To the cowards that committed this offense...Justice will prevail.

God Bless'

I believe that the JGTC NSX's can't hold much more than 190-200 MAX on a long straightaway with the appropriate final drive ratio.
They are restricted to under 500hp by the GT500 regulation, so assuming they weigh in at 2500lbs or so and they have 500hp, a Streetable NSX needs over 500 and must weigh a maximum of 2500lbs or so...
Difficult, not impossible, but also quite improbable.
Originally posted by Edo:
I believe that the JGTC NSX's can't hold much more than 190-200 MAX on a long straightaway with the appropriate final drive ratio.
They are restricted to under 500hp by the GT500 regulation, so assuming they weigh in at 2500lbs or so and they have 500hp, a Streetable NSX needs over 500 and must weigh a maximum of 2500lbs or so...
Difficult, not impossible, but also quite improbable.

Keep in mind that weight has very little to do with top speed (terminal velocity). It only adds a minor amount of rolling resistance which is far less than that added by aero downforce devices which effectively add weight at speed as well as aerodynamic drag.

As for "much more than 190-200" with less than 500HP, I don't think the numbers support that even if the aerodynamics were optimized for top speed rather than downforce.

[This message has been edited by sjs (edited 13 September 2001).]
BTW, I seriously doubt that anyone could be working on an NSX that's THAT built, for the past four years, in my town, without my hearing about it. One more data point of doubt.
Cheese now what could I possibly do to top this guys NSX??? Not a honda that's for sure-maybe I could add a space shuttle to my shopping basket???

You got to figure that even if I paid full retail for one (2 billion) plus sales, luxury tax, and insurance- and managed to secure a decent interest rate (0%) on a 360mo term, my monthly payment would still only be about 5 and a half million plus maintenance (the warranty on them sucks)

However, I would sleep better at night knowing that I have about 12 million more horsepower than anyone else on my block. Plus, whenever I made an outrageous claim at least everyone would believe me in the forum.

What's that worth? I guess somethings are priceless- like respect.
Originally posted by ravetek:
Cheese now what could I possibly do to top this guys NSX??? Not a honda that's for sure-maybe I could add a space shuttle to my shopping basket???

But wait, you can do 0-17,000MPH in just 20 minutes!
You missed it man....it was going too fast to photograph :biggrin: