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Speed Within Reach gets new face, launches corporate web site...

3 June 2003
Speed Within Reach gets new face, launches corporate web site...

For immediate release:

All of the staff, contributors, and partners here at Speed Within Reach are excited to launch our new corporate web site located at: Speedwithinreach.com

Featuring top-of-the-line products from Kawagen Route KS, Taitec, Toda Racing, and so many others our site will serve as an important tool- allowing us to communicate and co-operate with our customers, partners, affiliates, and suppliers going forward.

From start to finish in under 30 days, the project has already proven a success. Going forward, it is going to only get better so stay tuned!

Over the course of the next several weeks, product entry will rein. We have the enormous task of adding hundreds of products that we feel are directly relevant to you and your vehicle. Shortly there after, we will be back drumming up on essential feature work.

What we can tell you is that our site will serve to assist our customers and their vehicles in almost every way. As the site progresses- and new features, product, and content are brought online- we will be keeping our customers informed of both our high-level project schedule and the overall impact these changes will have on their day-to-day shopping experience. In the end, we firmly believe that our site will bring to the automotive after market communities the best online shopping experience found anywhere on the internet bar none!

Best Regards,

John Hudak
Speedwithinreach, LLC

Is that ravetek??? wow... that brings me back!

I think the site looks good.
Only the beggining

Thanks for the compliment, the site is still going thru major changes and still hundreds of products to be added. The site will continue to get a facelift and changes are being done daily to make your online shopping expierience at SWR easy and informative. The site is only about 10% done. The final site will be one of the premier auto performance sites around. The reason for the extended delay of launching the site was developing a user friendly site, with lots of information, it also had to be able to handle all the diffrent projects I am embarking on in the future. I hope everyone continues to keep checking back. There will be something new everyday.
ton of more stuff

I just got set up with to major premier companies. It will be a suprise until all papers are signed. I working for you brian, to support you addiction to go fast parts,lol
nsx1164 said:
John Hudak == "ravetek" :)
All the history and past animosity aside, John has shown a strong committment to pushing the envelope with new and sometimes-extreme solutions, even with his own car. You might remember some of the extensive cleanup/detail work he did on the NSX undercarriage.

In addition, his background with a large Redmond-based software company allows him to create website that hopefully delivers very useful/interesting content in a meaningful, user-friendly way... so far I am impressed with what I've seen.
nsx1164 said:
All the history and past animosity aside, John has shown a strong committment to pushing the envelope with new and sometimes-extreme solutions, even with his own car. You might remember some of the extensive cleanup/detail work he did on the NSX undercarriage.

In addition, his background with a large Redmond-based software company allows him to create website that hopefully delivers very useful/interesting content in a meaningful, user-friendly way... so far I am impressed with what I've seen.

I don't know who John is, but I have spoken with Mike on many occasions now and am meeting with him personally sometime this week. So far, he has been great! He even helped me get a Customs Broker to clear my hood that was shipped from Hong Kong...he didn't make a dime off that sale but he still did all that he could to help me! Thanks again Mike