Spec Brand clutch

SilverOne said:
Anyone has this installed? specically the stage II that is offered through SOS?

opinons on pedal feel compare to stock? Or any overall impression?

I just had the Spec Stage 2 clutch installed. I should be picking up my car tomorrow after work. I did get a chance to drive it a few feet at the shop. The clutch pedal pressure is light. Feels slightly lighter than the OEM. I like, very comfortable to drive. The only problem I've run into is that the transmission seems a bit tough to get into gear/gears. This is the reason the car is still in the shop. Still trying to figure out why this is.
I hope to have a full write up after I get the car on the road and start putting some miles on it.
- Z
SilverOne said:
thanks for the quick response. Do you mind sharing if you have other aftermarket parts in your transmission, short gear, light flywheel, R&P..etc??

The transmission is bone stock with 49k miles. I hope to take the long way home tomorrow to get a "feel" for the clutch. Hopefully the roughness in the shifting is all adjusted/worked out so it shifts silky smooth again. :)
- Z
SilverOne said:

how was the "scenic" drive? :) any feedack?

Ok, just got home. Well, I took the NSX home today as I said. Let me give you some back ground first.
When the clutch was first installed, I was the first to crank the car and pull it out of the shop. I had a hell of a time getting the car into gear, any gear! They said they would look into it.
The next day, I get a phone call saying that I need to replace my clutch master cylinder($130, install $100). So, I had them do that and then they played with the pedal adjustment all day long. Now I can shift gears, but it's still really notchy. Not smooth like it used to be, but takes some effort. I was explained to that the clutch needs to break in.
So, to write a real review, I need to break it in. Say 1000 miles. But, I can tell you this, the clutch pedal pressure sure does seem light, just a tad lighter than the OEM. Not a bad thing in my opinion, very comfortable.
Also, there was NO shudder what so ever. The clutch engaged very very very smoothly!! I didn't power shift or try breaking the tires loose since I still need to break it in. I'll be driving this car as much as possible! I want to see how this baby turns out and mainly how it grips!!! :)
Stay tuned...
- Z
NSX FoYoAss said:
Now I can shift gears, but it's still really notchy. Not smooth like it used to be, but takes some effort. I was explained to that the clutch needs to break in.

Also, there was NO shudder what so ever. The clutch engaged very very very smoothly!!
- Z

a bit confused by 2 statements above, seems to contradict, do you mind explaining abit more? Thanks.
Getting the cars gear box to shift gear takes a bit more effort.

Getting the car moving, as in releasing the clutch pedal and giving the car gas, the car launches very smoothly. No shudder or vibrations.

My OEM clutch would shudder if I didn't blip the throttle and then release the clutch and give gas. But it would shift gears easily.

Hope that makes sense....
- Z
I have ordered a stage one spec clutch from SOS...awaiting its arrival. I'll give you guys a write up when I get it! Seems to good to be true to get an aftermarket clutch for $600!!! I'm also installing an ultralight flywheel with it.

God, I hope they don't try and sell me on a clutch master cylinder.
nsxexotic said:
I wonder why this is? can you explain to use where the engagement point is on the pedal? high? low?


It's high. I don't know whats up, but the clutch is acting up. I'm taking the car back to the shop, we're going to try initializing it again. Hopefully this will smooth everything out!
- Z
The NSX clutch pedal will need to be readjusted after a new clutch is installed, especially with an aftermarket clutch, to set it to the same height as before.

The notchy transmission is likely indicative that the clutch is not initialized or the pressure plate bolts were not properly torqued down as the discs are contacting the friction contact surfaces unevenly. Check out page 12-16 of the 92 service manual. Make sure 10-12mm of threads are threaded into the flywheel.

Check out this page for the procedure, which is very important for long term durability and driveability of the clutch.

take care,
-- Chris
Any update? I am interested in this clutch if it turns out OK. How much lighter is the pedal? OEM is already pretty light.
The clutch was done last week and I have not driven it yet. Barnman drove it for about 10 miles and said he liked it, but now the car is getting the CTSC installed and I will not be picking it up until next week.
nsxexotic said:
Over 500 miles put on my new Spec Stage 2 clutch and I'm having some problems and it shudders a lot. I will post details later.

Were you told to remove the "shims" from the clutch? What kind of problems are you having? Single disk or double disk?

- Z
I am disapointed to hear about the problems. If you get it worked out soon please let us know, otherwise I will look elsewhere.
I just got my spec stage 1 installed and i like it so far. I only have 300 miles on it so no beating it up yet. engagement is a little stuttery at times and very harsh in reverse. Clutch pedal engages every late, which I actualy like better. I don't know if Mike at MCA removed the shims or not...i had told him about them but i dunno!
Anybody that has some mileage on this cluth please chime in. I know a lot of people are interested in this clutch after seeing how affordable it can be unless it is surrounded by quirks. Thanks.