Southern Indiana Drive - August 13th

Unfortunately I'm locked into a block wide garage sale for saturday morning :mad: For anybody that has a chance though I would highly recommend checking out the s2kca drive on the 8th. I got the impression on their last drive, and I'm sure Whealy will back me up on this, that the guy who planned this one (oversteer) takes these things very seriously. He spent a lot of time looking for and predriving different roads to find a really good route. Somebody needs to go at the very least to crib one of their maps :biggrin:

Oh, and if you prefer looking at crap to driving your sports car on twisty roads then come to our garage sale. I guarantee its the only one selling wheels that'll fit an NSX in all of Indy. 8:00-2:00 Washington Blvd b/w 38th and 40th, various houses, look for the signs :cool:

Big_nate said:
Unfortunately I'm locked into a block wide garage sale for saturday morning :mad: For anybody that has a chance though I would highly recommend checking out the s2kca drive on the 8th. I got the impression on their last drive, and I'm sure Whealy will back me up on this, that the guy who planned this one (oversteer) takes these things very seriously. He spent a lot of time looking for and predriving different roads to find a really good route. Somebody needs to go at the very least to crib one of their maps :biggrin:

Oh, and if you prefer looking at crap to driving your sports car on twisty roads then come to our garage sale. I guarantee its the only one selling wheels that'll fit an NSX in all of Indy. 8:00-2:00 Washington Blvd b/w 38th and 40th, various houses, look for the signs :cool:


What he said ...

Unfortunatly, I'm out for this weekend as well. But breakfast at Nate's at 8:00 sounds like fun ... who's with me. :)
whealy said:
What he said ...

Unfortunatly, I'm out for this weekend as well. But breakfast at Nate's at 8:00 sounds like fun ... who's with me. :)

Haha, I'll have an everything bagel, untoasted, with a shmear :biggrin: Seriously if anybody is really bored or driving through my hood, please do stop by. Remember, feigning interest in garage sales scores major points with the spouse, g/f, s.o. :wink:

Jonas1JP to answer your question I'm definitely in for another drive. I should be available any saturday (15,22,29) for the rest of the month.

Joe, I'm serious about the exhaust thing. I've been looking at welding DIY sites to see if I should even attempt it. From what I gather you can rent the wire fed type of welder. If I do, I'll be sure to post pics of the results so you can have a chance to rag on someone elses skills :tongue:

Got the Eibachs installed today. Took my mechanice about 3 1/2 hours total with allignment. Crazy, but the allignment was barely off.

Anyhoo, the look is much better, and the ride quality is better than I expected. I will post before and after pics soon...