Southern Indiana Drive - August 13th

1 June 2005
Indianapolis, IN
Come one, come all. Saturday, August 13th @ 10am. We will meet at Mill Race Park in Columbus, IN. Plenty of parking, and fairly easy to find. The drive will take approximately 3 hours, not including a stop for lunch. PLEASE fill up with gas before arriving. :rolleyes: Should be a great drive, with a bunch of twisties.
If you'd like to come down the night before, there's plenty of hotels off of exits 68 & 76b (I-65). In which case, we could do a small drive on Friday as well.
E-mail me for directions at [email protected]. Regardless if two or twenty show up, the drive will go on. Let's just hope for good weather!!! Hope to see you there.
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I am moving to the Indy area this weekend, so count me in. I want to make a regular habit of getting together with other car people. :)
And after the drive, if anyone is interested...we could go to Dog N' Suds in Greenwood Indiana for the Saturday night car show. Hundreds of cars, mostly classics but still some imports. It is amazing how much the NSX attracts attention even with the older folks of the crowd. :biggrin:
djdrock said:
And after the drive, if anyone is interested...we could go to Dog N' Suds in Greenwood Indiana for the Saturday night car show. Hundreds of cars, mostly classics but still some imports. It is amazing how much the NSX attracts attention even with the older folks of the crowd. :biggrin:

Are you going this Saturday?? I am still in Fort Wayne but might drive down for this if I can.
Meeyatch1 said:
Are you going this Saturday?? I am still in Fort Wayne but might drive down for this if I can.

Djdrock will be there, not sure if I can make it yet or not. I'll let you know!

Yes, I am going to the Suds Saturday. Let me know if you are going to make it. I can give you my cell #!

Sounds great, I'm in! It's been hard to get drives going here in Indiana. I'm envious of the KC group, they meet every weekend don't they? It would be nice if we could set something like that up here. It's great you're moving here Mitch, WELCOME! We'll all have to meet up on a more regular basis. I'd be up for it.
timothyaw said:
Sounds great, I'm in! It's been hard to get drives going here in Indiana. I'm envious of the KC group, they meet every weekend don't they? It would be nice if we could set something like that up here. It's great you're moving here Mitch, WELCOME! We'll all have to meet up on a more regular basis. I'd be up for it.

Sounds great, Tim! We'll see you there.
Tim...might you be making it this weekend to the 'Suds? Joe, Mitch and myself will be there for sure. Let us know if you can make it!
Met some guys over the weekend that have S2000's, and we may also be meeting up with them sometime.
Sorry I have been kind of M.I.A. recently....a family emergency happened this weekend that took up my time and attention. Actually...I have to go back this weekend as well. Anyone have time for a drink this week?? I need one. :(
Mitch...I was wondering what was going on with you...Hope everthing improves soon!!!

Tim...Maybe we could get together a little early Saturday before going down to the Suds.

Thanks for the messages gang....still a high level of stress over here (hence the reason I have not been on Prime much)....I hope to be able to meet up soon. Thanks again.