Sopranos Finale


Experienced Member
25 September 2000
Tyson's Corner, VA
What did everyone think of the Sopranos finale las weekend?

I thought it was decent.... certainly the ending surpised me. Although I thought it was supposed to be a 2 hours or at least it was advertised as such.
It was pretty good, but there were no real surprises except for the ending. It's kind of hard to believe that Tony could outrun a bunch of FBI agents though.
The next to last episode was the best of the season.

I've been a big fan since the start but since Deadwood began I've watched Tony just so that I wouldn't miss any of Deadwood.

Deadwood ROCKS!
96redT said:

I've been a big fan since the start but since Deadwood began I've watched Tony just so that I wouldn't miss any of Deadwood.

Deadwood ROCKS!

Did you catch it last night? Not bad..... I just hope it doesn't follow in the Soprano's foosteps and and take 1.5years in between seasons.
It was pretty good, except when Tony somehow got away from a swarm of FBI raiding John's house...I guess thats why it's television(make believe)....I agree with most about the week before episode was better...Now we have to wait another year and a half to see the next one??? I hope not....

I can't get into Deadwood, I've missed too much to start watching it I guess:(
The FBI wasn't after Soprano.. But I agree it's still probably not very realistic for them to just let him run away from a big takedown.

In any event, Chase needed the running-through-the-woods sequence to bring the bear symbolism full circle for the season.
Lud said:
In any event, Chase needed the running-through-the-woods sequence to bring the bear symbolism full circle for the season.

Funny you should mention that.... while he Tony was fumbling throught he woods towards his property, for a second it looked as if Carmela was going to shoot him with their shotgun thinking it was the bear. That would have been a bizarre ending.
I've always been big Soprano's fan, although this season just hasn't quite clicked. Agree with the comment that the penultimate episode was the best of season - best one since Big Pussy had to go for a swim with the fishes!

Deadwood just continues to grow & grow - too bad the preacher had to go, he was an interesting character; casting brilliance with Ian McShane as Swearengen - can't imagine anyone could do that part better. Haven't seen the Doc in anything since he was Billy Bibbins in "one flew over the cuckoo's nest" but he is also extremely good. EB is still "Brother Larry" but he's great!
Jewel - what can you say - my wife isn't convinced she might not be really handicapped????
It's about time Bullock & Alma finally got it on - that will set up next series nicely when the missus comes to town!
All-in-all it's displaced Alias & Soprano's as best Sunday-night drama (although all three are best of the week!)

Another great Sunday night show incidentally, just started re-running for those who missed it first-cut - Arrested Development on FOX- HILARIOUS show!
I thought this season of the Sopranos started out very slow. Let's face it, not a lot happened in most of those episodes.

The season turned out to be just fine, though. Yes, the last episode had some interesting plot twists (some predictable, some not) and the previous episode did too. I also loved the episode a few weeks back in which Janice went to anger management sessions, but at the end of the episode, Tony was still able to push her buttons and put her in a rage.

I tried watching Deadwood, but was not impressed. I am looking forward to the new season of Six Feet Under, which, when it is good, is even better than the Sopranos at its best, IMO.

Two other high-quality dramatic shows that I enjoy are over on FX Network - The Shield, which finishes its third season tonight, and Nip/Tuck, which starts its second season next week in the same time slot.
nsxtasy said:
I also loved the episode a few weeks back in which Janice went to anger management sessions, but at the end of the episode, Tony was still able to push her buttons and put her in a rage.

That scene was probably the funniest moment of the season,

"What's French-Canadian for 'I grew up without a mother?", lol

Also very funny was watching Paulie try to explain the horse painting to Tony. :)
nsxtasy said:
I also loved the episode a few weeks back in which Janice went to anger management sessions, but at the end of the episode, Tony was still able to push her buttons and put her in a rage.
Hmmm... pushing buttons and causing rage. Sounds like the Sopranos get some of their material from Prime. :D :D