Someone with nitrous experience

When useing a wet system how do you prevent engine damage if you exceed the 8300 rpm rev limit ?

I will answer your question, but I think your just posting this as a joke and for me to actually answer it would make me look like a fool. Tell me if its a real question and I will answer it.

J. R.
When useing a wet system how do you prevent engine damage if you exceed the 8300 rpm rev limit ?

Your first stop should be a super-competent tuner. Do anything drastic for a means of performance and you're going to come into problems and risk the longevity of the motor. Best bet is to ask a mod to lock this thread and then begin your own personal research like the rest of the performance enthusiasts have around here.
Nitrous should come with a course about the use and background of it, which you should pass, before you can use it....omg... time after time after time...
Figure it out MORON! I only used it once and that was on a lawn mower cause I am lazy, it was a piece of cake until the fire truck came. hehe
HI DUTCHMAN...ALL WELL? Come see me and Linz in Amsterdam in March if I am still alive ;)
Figure it out MORON! I only used it once and that was on a lawn mower cause I am lazy, it was a piece of cake until the fire truck came. hehe
HI DUTCHMAN...ALL WELL? Come see me and Linz in Amsterdam in March if I am still alive ;)

Hey, how you doing with youre health and all :smile:

Would love to meet you in march, but very likely i'm eating sand in the middle east by then....:biggrin:
Hope you guys are being playful because it looks pretty bad from this side of the street.

MSD RPM Activated Window Switch

The reason you would do this is because Nitrous like a supercharger or a turbo artifically increases the amount of "air" that enters the engine. The difference with Nitrous is that it usually supplies its own additional fuel. Soemwhere in the vicinity of the rev limiter is the fuel cut-off point at which point the ECU will cut the fuel to the injectors. Normally this would be (somewhat) OK as it would cause the engine to stop making power, pass the unburnt air through and eventually loose momentum. However because nitrous kits usually supply there own fuel, independant of the fuel injectors, the injectors cut off and you now have the air that the engine normally flows at a certain RPM plus the oxygen thats being released by the nitrous, but only the "additional" fuel supplied by the nitrous kit. That causes a larger proportion of air to fuel which leads to a leaner burn which is hotter. Thats how you burn valves or pistons or rings.

Ideally you would want to set the switch a little before you cut off point. So you may choose like 8000-8100 RPM, thats gives you a little bit of headroom should you go over the limit.
Thanks for the information Westrock. If you use the maintenance port on the fuel filter to supply your system the rev limiter will cut off all fuel to the engine. I am also considering just tieing the fuel cutoff valve to my arming switch so that it is disabled when the nitrous system is armed. Thanks again I was begining to think there were no adults on this web site.
Figure it out MORON! I only used it once and that was on a lawn mower cause I am lazy, it was a piece of cake until the fire truck came. hehe
HI DUTCHMAN...ALL WELL? Come see me and Linz in Amsterdam in March if I am still alive ;)

Hey Dave,

nice to see you up and running.

Thanks for the information Westrock. If you use the maintenance port on the fuel filter to supply your system the rev limiter will cut off all fuel to the engine. I am also considering just tieing the fuel cutoff valve to my arming switch so that it is disabled when the nitrous system is armed. Thanks again I was begining to think there were no adults on this web site.

Cowpatty, the reason you are getting messed with is that your question is so F-ing stupid everyone but westrock thought you were goofing on this forum it was so lame, PLEASE say you were.
First off if you are spraying that far up the band in first to third (I always did) and you dont understand how or when to shut down the wet system you indicate you will use then in all seriousness you dont have any good reason to even contemplate it.
The way you stated it it sounded like you planned to spray right to the limiter and it gave me the impression you had a custom ecu and had wanted to raise your limiter (rev) and then not bang into it on the spray.
You have no business doing it if you need to ask,also the CFM coming in the intake at that RPM level is somewhere around 400 cfm per horsepower generated and unless you have a custom n20 motor and it can withstand 200-300 ADDED power from the spray and what westfield does not understand is you have passed the point were the additional 02 entering the engine via your nitrous setup is no longer adding power at the size shot an unbuilt c30 will handle to get the intended result hence multi-stage systems. as rpm's raise that high so does the amount of air and it overwhelms the higher 02 rich nitrous to the point it is plain moronic to do so like you wish. do you understand what I am saying?

You need to do some homework,thier is tons of info on this subject that would amount to 100's of pages of n20 theory and design notes in the also need to understand more then what a window switch does and a FPSS, you can call it a fuel cut off switch if you want but that is not how tuners and the industry understands it.
Just trust me on the points I made,I was joking about the lawnmower...sort of, bruha ! N20 its not just for breathing anymore.
Dude, I LOVE spraying n20 on all kinds of cars and I am not trying to bash your gig but I would like to see you learn it first. walk my man walk first. check out Ed Klemz site and his n20 NSX. if thats the wrong link ask someone for the correct link. BTW Westrock thanks for helping while I heckled but you need to get a refresher also. I dont mean to hurt your feelings and sorry if I did, just consider the source. but your info sucks and you are gonna get someones motor slagged.the rpm switch was correct but your theory as a whole is lamersville
Best Regards David
You guys sure read a lot into that question. None of you in the slick shifting NSX has ever missed a gear?
I do appreciate the feedback . I will better define my questions in the future
You guys sure read a lot into that question. None of you in the slick shifting NSX has ever missed a gear?
I do appreciate the feedback . I will better define my questions in the future

Not once.not a single time ever on the track or street have I ever missed a shift, I learned how to drive my cars before moding them. BTW I was trying to give you the straight skinny on spraying on a NSX which I have forget more about then you will ever understand. no schooling these kids today they already know everything.
I afgree with Westrock on the No2 system's ability to override your factory ECU rev limiter. Have a Yamaha Vmax w/No2 and realized upon first ride that the system coupled with Vboost made it very easy to pull front end up in 3 gears. Also realized was that I made a one time mistake of hitting it pretty hard and it stuttered a bit in 2nd gear. Looked at tach and "lo and behold" I had exceeded the factory redline by almost 2K RPM. Added a shift light with a "pill" that triggered light 200 rpm before factory rev limiter which seems adequate for my needs.
I afgree with Westrock on the No2 system's ability to override your factory ECU rev limiter. Have a Yamaha Vmax w/No2 and realized upon first ride that the system coupled with Vboost made it very easy to pull front end up in 3 gears. Also realized was that I made a one time mistake of hitting it pretty hard and it stuttered a bit in 2nd gear. Looked at tach and "lo and behold" I had exceeded the factory redline by almost 2K RPM. Added a shift light with a "pill" that triggered light 200 rpm before factory rev limiter which seems adequate for my needs.

Tonyb, Your stating an obvious fact. we all are aware that if you are a dumb ass and dont use a window switch you can bang your rev limiter on the spray but of course you can bang into it off the spray also' no?,BUT what is this crap about overriding the ECU? The n20 will not override shit as it will merely hit your limiter because it is a (dumb)system,it will do what it is setup to do.even n20 controls factored into aftermarket standalones will react the same.
What we have here is people (kids) that do not know how to set up a WOT (wide open throttle switch)that only allows the spray while you are wide open, YOU can take your foot off the pedal and wow the n20 shuts off F-ing amazing, even more amazing is they make one for bikes also!!
A window switch with correct pills for the motor, this defines the enable -disable spray and is what westrock indicated BUT what is more important is not the fact he knows about the switch,he does not indicate anything pertaining to a WOT, FPSS,WINDOW, EMERGENCY CUT SWITCH,CLUTCH SWITCH, on and on. I am a safety freak when it comes to spray.ALL the safety switches I indicated work very well with a WET or dry system,you can also add a oil,water,pressure sensitive switch to insure the integrity of your motor.
My final word on this thread is does cowpatty westrock or yourself own an NSX WITH N2O on it? do you know how to setup the FPSS AND WOT, WINDOW, what wires need to be tapped where to draw power from ECT on an NSX and not your civic or bike? what fuses need to be used ,proper maintence of the setup if you have a n20 pro install it.

Listen up, we perhaps I should say myself am trying to educate you not instigate you.there is alot more to a properly designed n20 system then meets the eye. there is no doubt that the initial request for information was minimal and stupid but it did open the door to a wider range of system facts and design criteria that is meant to inlighten not enrage so dont take this as a slap in the face with a glove. if you knew me or met me face to face you would get a better feel for my personality and see that I aim to help and the question asked is a reason to educate on the full spectrum of proper setup and design.
I wont post again to this thread,I wish you the best of luck with your cars and bikes on the spray.

Best Regards David

PS BTW your gauges are their for a reason if you had used them spraying on your bike you would not have gone into the red on the spray,.
Hi David,

Sorry you feel I was stating the obvious, but the guy was looking for guidance - just trying to make sure he didn't make an expensive mistake. I have No2 on two motorycycles (Mod'd HD 113" and Vmax) and my NSX is in getting a custom built turbo system with a GT35R as I write this.

Thanks for your positive feedback!
BUT what is this crap about overriding the ECU?

I think he means the fact that nitrous system can deliver its own fuel, even though the ECU has cut main fuel delivery. In addition, if the ECU were to cut fuel, but continue providing spark. The excessively lean condition of the ambient air, nitrous air, and nitrous supplied fuel could actually keep the engine "running" since it would still be trying to make power but could still fall below spark cut-off point.

he knows about the switch,he does not indicate anything pertaining to a WOT, FPSS,WINDOW, EMERGENCY CUT SWITCH,CLUTCH SWITCH, on and on. I am a safety freak when it comes to spray.

I specifically provided a link to a WINDOW switch. Theres nothing wrong with being overly safe, but nitrous is no different than any other form of adding more air into an engine. Theres no "mystery" to it.

My final word on this thread is does cowpatty westrock or yourself own an NSX WITH N2O on it? do you know how to setup the FPSS AND WOT, WINDOW, what wires need to be tapped where to draw power from ECT on an NSX and not your civic or bike? what fuses need to be used ,proper maintence of the setup if you have a n20 pro install it.

That specific information does not disregard the general information of the setup. The NSX motor is just like any other motor thats around. Just because one has never worked on a specific motor, doesn't mean one has no idea how it works.

You also made no attempt to provide any of this information intially, nor did the original poster make any suggestion that he was going for 200-300 additional HP as you say I failed to understand. I don't think the general idea of a forum is to call someone a moron and tell them to provide the answer to there own question. And thanks to the wonderful setup of the Search feature here, searching for N20 returns zero results.
Nitrogen dioxide in your motorcycles? Thats the problem! :confused:

Hi David,

Sorry you feel I was stating the obvious, but the guy was looking for guidance - just trying to make sure he didn't make an expensive mistake. I have No2 on two motorycycles (Mod'd HD 113" and Vmax) and my NSX is in getting a custom built turbo system with a GT35R as I write this.

Thanks for your positive feedback!
Its starting to look like supraforums around here!:eek: