Someone stole my NSX....

ediddynsx said:
You should say hey nice NSX....why don't you come meet us at our monthly gathering. We would love to check out that NSX of yours. ;)

I second that.

I think all us myspace folks should "Comment nicely on her nice ride, lol." Then someone proceed to tell her some POSEUR stole pics of her car and claimed them to be his ride.
are you 100% its the same pic? Like the cars in the background are the same? I know it would be a long shot posing the cars in the same spot, but it is las vegas...
the reason I ask is b/c years ago, when my car was black, I had those same rims, so it could be a coniecidence that she has a black nsx with the same wheels in the same town.
that is a poser. How do I know? because the pics of that girl are stolen also. That is my friend's friend. I would post a link of the myspace account, but it is a restricted account which you would have to be a friend in order to check it out. I can tell u this much, she definitely does not live in vegas and is not 25.

I second the thought of some fat pervert sitting on the other side of the screen.
It would be funny to have a PI follow her/him around get some pics of her/his fat ass and some more pics of a rusted out POS pinto. Then hack the site and put the pics in place of the current one there. I would love to see the reaction when he/she pulls the site up, revised. LOL
steveny said:
You will have to file a petition with the court. This will be a 39 dollar fee. Then you will have to look at the page 50 more times before court. You will also have to mail out a registered return receipt letter to her home and place of employment. You will have to hire an attorney ~500 bucks. At court she will say that you caused pop-ups on her pc, then you will have to reschedule for a hearing three weeks out, meanwhile her site is still up and you will have to view it 50 more times. At that hearing you will also need an attorney ~500 bucks, she won't show up and you will get a judgment, just for the 10 seconds. You will then have to file the judgment, another 39 dollars, and 24 dollars to have the civil division serve the judgment to her to have the site taken down. If after 72 hours she does not take the site down, you will have to take the site down for her and store it at your expense. You then will have to send her a registered letter as to where her site is and make arrangements for her to pick it up. She can pick up her site without paying the judgment. :biggrin:

Wow. Okay, forget it then. It's not worth it, I forfeit my 10 seconds :biggrin:
steveny said:
5 tenants have cost me $10,500 this month in unpaid rent and attorney/court costs. These are buildings I just bought and there were a few crappy tenants in each building. I had signed, nortized statements that the tenants would be moving out in 30 days from the date I purchased the property.

WOW! My gf has gone through this to a milder degree with some of the homes she rents out. Its amazing how the law can side with tenants when it is so cut and dry that they should be out. Sorry to hear about your woes, sound like a royal PITA:frown:
steveny said:
5 tenants have cost me $10,500 this month in unpaid rent and attorney/court costs...I have not had to do this many evictions in the entire history of running my business. The laws are driving me nuts, the way the tenant gets to abuse the property owner is just outright insane!

F,,,ING scumbag people. Good buildings with all good tenants in good locations just a son in each of the 4 buildings I just bought. Part of doing business I guess. Sweet deals and the building support themselves even if just one unit was rented so I am really not complaining about anything except leeches.

Rent me a unit next to one of these creeps. They'll move out by the end of one week with me as a neighbor! :D
Jim said:
Did you guys ever watch "Pacific Heights"? :eek:

Yes. I am not so sure it could happen to that extent but I would not doubt it.

Overall I am really happy being a landlord. I have a excellent staff and that is what helps keep my stress level down. I can essentially leave for a month or more and come back to a smooth running ship. We buy a lot of value priced property and with that comes problems.

The biggest problem with this area is the price of property. The prices are so low that most anyone with a decent credit score can and do buy their own house. This leaves the low life's and transients as renters. I prefer to rent to people who are only in the area for a year or two rather than the person who has a 500 FICO score, smells as if they haven't showered in a week, drive a 10 year old car that is rotted out with a loud muffler, and has been evicted ten times in the last five years. I can spot them from a mile away.

We had a couple come and look at a unit a few months ago, guy with tattoos all over and girlfriend that had the whites of her eyes the color of a ripe banana peel, they were on foot. I knew from 10 feet away they were non-payers. We accepted their application and checked it out. Failed. Two months later a building was bought by a member of NSX Prime and !WALA! there are the same couple we turned down, they moved in the building one week before the closing which was almost two months ago. Well the couple has not paid a dime. They have kicked the door in on the apartment. They fight all the time, the female was in the hospital because the male beat her unconscious. The female is now dieing from Hep-C she received from her mother at birth. The tenant has 3 kids that also have Hep-C. All you fine people here are paying for the daily trips to the ER by the way. The mother of the female has promised us on several occasion that she is going to remove the remaining items in the apartment, all lies. She now says we have to take her to court to get her to remove the rest of the furniture. Low life shit people.
DocL said:
Rent me a unit next to one of these creeps. They'll move out by the end of one week with me as a neighbor! :D

Deal! I will let you live there for free. Problem is if the cops are called more than a set amount of times to the same address the property owner is billed for the additional calls.:frown:
Is it just me or did she really say that she is in to all of that freaky sex stuff! I really don’t think she is 25, maybe 15 or 16. No one would talk about them self like that other then a hooker trying to get a customer. I say that it is just some stupid teenage girl who try's to make people like her by saying she is rich and will sleep with any one.

It is sad really.
stealth said:
Is it just me or did she really say that she is in to all of that freaky sex stuff! I really don’t think she is 25, maybe 15 or 16. No one would talk about them self like that other then a hooker trying to get a customer. I say that it is just some stupid teenage girl who try's to make people like her by saying she is rich and will sleep with any one.

It is sad really.
Even if she is 25 it's sad and pathetic.

This one right?
I'm just wondering, out of the thousands maybe millions of my space accounts out there, how did you happen to come across a pic of your car?
I'm just wondering, out of the thousands maybe millions of my space accounts out there, how did you happen to come across a pic of your car?

Would you believe the luckiest of coincidences. :tongue: She also previously had it as her main picture. She has since moved it.
I don't see the car on that site anymore.

Girls who do like NSXes seem to fit her personality though. My past 2 girlfriends don't like the car at all.
I don't see the car on that site anymore.

Girls who do like NSXes seem to fit her personality though. My past 2 girlfriends don't like the car at all.

It's still there, she just moved it. Go to her pictures and it's the last one. She's still claiming it's her. :tongue: