Someone stole my NSX....

13 April 2005
picture. LOL! :biggrin:

So get this, I'm surfing around mySpace and I happen across a profile picture that looks vaugely familiar. When I click on the profile to get a better look I realize its a picture of my NSX. I then realize that it's a picture of my NSX that I took and only I could have taken. And then when I click on the description of the picture the person claims that it's their NSX! How crazy is that?

Now I know there are multiple stories of people stealing NSX pictures and claiming them as their own or people using them to sell fictional cars on eBay. But here's the weirdest part. I don't remember ever posting that picture up on a public website ever. So now I'm trying to figure out how they even got that picture. Hacker or just a drunken forgotten night... :confused:

Here's the person's profile:

I have no idea who they are, nor do I know anybody that they know. It's just got weird written all over it.

So what should I do? Give em props for their nice car? Expose them like the clown that they are? Nothing? I'm curious what you guys think. :smile:
She looks cute though (assuming they are pictures of her, not just ones she stole) :)
Dude whats the matter with you? she is hot and she just gave you the "in". I'd write and ask if she wants a ride. Put that turbo to some use for F's sake. You've been hanging around guys in performance shops too long if you are asking for advice on this one.

Although I must add reading her page gave me a headache.
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she has a few friends look like they are modeling at car shows... Maybe that's the source of your picture?
TURBO2GO said:
Dude whats the matter with you? she is hot and she just gave you the "in". I'd write and ask if she wants a ride. Put that turbo to some use for F's sake. You've been hanging around guys in performance shops too long if you are asking for advice on this one.

I 2nd that motion.

You better get a screen shot of her page before she deletes that photo thou.
I like how she goes off on "posers" in her statement there on the front page.

Ha Ha what a stupid tramp...People under the age of 30 these days really make me wonder if our nation is going to survive the next 50 years...with everybody so wrapped up in themselves they have no time to see what's going on in the world around them....don't get me wrong, there are many people in their 20s that are working to make the world a better place, but man....the people you see in that this hoebag...just makes me sick
checkout the people she wants to meet like Kobe Bryant?..that POS cheated on his wife and possibly raped a girl in the process..that's the kind of people she wants to meet?

It really gets me how these type of people say that if you take issue with all the crappy things they do and say you are a "Hater"...WTF is that?...I don't "Hate" her...I feel sorry for her because her life is so pathetic..but I don't hate her at all....I would give her the shirt off my back if she really needed it and I thought it would help her...but the selfish attitudes young people have is just sickening.

Oh man I need get a preaching job somewhere:wink:
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I vote for exposing the poser. She looks like a complete retard. Some playa just complemented her on her slick NSX a few days ago. Could be she just put it up there recently.

Maybe they took the picture off the gallery here? its very easy to steal pics now a days. I wouldn't be surprised if theres a lot of other prime guys with their car pics used around other sites. You're gonna get a lot of kids of who do this kind of stuff.

She is contradicting herself by using your car's pic though.
zahntech said:
I would give her the shirt off my back if she really needed it

She would pretend to need it I am sure, then as soon as she had it I bet she would spit in your face and laugh about how she just took your shirt.
steveny said:
She would pretend to need it I am sure, then as soon as she had it I bet she would spit in your face and laugh about how she just took your shirt.

Steven...I think you see the world the same cynical way I do:biggrin:
Jim said:
I want the 10 seconds of my life back looking at her myspace page :rolleyes:

You will have to file a petition with the court. This will be a 39 dollar fee. Then you will have to look at the page 50 more times before court. You will also have to mail out a registered return receipt letter to her home and place of employment. You will have to hire an attorney ~500 bucks. At court she will say that you caused pop-ups on her pc, then you will have to reschedule for a hearing three weeks out, meanwhile her site is still up and you will have to view it 50 more times. At that hearing you will also need an attorney ~500 bucks, she won't show up and you will get a judgment, just for the 10 seconds. You will then have to file the judgment, another 39 dollars, and 24 dollars to have the civil division serve the judgment to her to have the site taken down. If after 72 hours she does not take the site down, you will have to take the site down for her and store it at your expense. You then will have to send her a registered letter as to where her site is and make arrangements for her to pick it up. She can pick up her site without paying the judgment. :biggrin:
clr1024 said:
They took your shirt and spit at you:confused:

5 tenants have cost me $10,500 this month in unpaid rent and attorney/court costs. These are buildings I just bought and there were a few crappy tenants in each building. I had signed, nortized statements that the tenants would be moving out in 30 days from the date I purchased the property.

I have not had to do this many evictions in the entire history of running my business. The laws are driving me nuts, the way the tenant gets to abuse the property owner is just outright insane!

One tenant signed a statement that he would be out on October 31st or sooner. I went to the property on Nov. 2nd he is still there. I ask him when he is planning on leaving, he says as soon as I pay him 500 dollars or evict him. I bought the building from his father. The son is 50 y/o and has lived in the building for 10 years without paying any rent to his father and is pissed that his father sold the building and he now has no where to go. I call an attorney. I can't turn the power off that is in my name. I have to pay his power and gas and collect zero rent while the wheels of the system grind away at a "nails on the caulk board rate." I have to serve the eviction paper to him to get him out. He threaten me saying he was going to "smash my face in if I serve him the papers" I tell the cops... they say they won't come with me to serve the papers. They will however serve the papers for a 39 dollar fee in about two weeks, mind you this is the papers to get everything going, its another month after that before the court date. So I let the police know he has drugs in the apartment and closed circuit TV monitors on and around the house. They say there is nothing they can do. So they switch me over to the Narcotics Division, the phone rings 25 times and no one picks it up, TWICE!
F,,,ING scumbag people. Good buildings with all good tenants in good locations just a son in each of the 4 buildings I just bought. Part of doing business I guess. Sweet deals and the building support themselves even if just one unit was rented so I am really not complaining about anything except leeches.
TURBO2GO said:
Dude whats the matter with you? she is hot and she just gave you the "in". I'd write and ask if she wants a ride. Put that turbo to some use for F's sake. You've been hanging around guys in performance shops too long if you are asking for advice on this one.

Yeah, I would do this if I feel like having my wanker cut off. I get the feeling my boss (i.e. girlfriend) wouldn't find the humor in this and she would take it out on poor Vega$ NSX Jr. :biggrin: Plus why go shopping for civics when I got an NSX in the garage (if you get my analogous drift). :tongue:

ediddynsx said:
Maybe they took the picture off the gallery here? its very easy to steal pics now a days. I wouldn't be surprised if theres a lot of other prime guys with their car pics used around other sites. You're gonna get a lot of kids of who do this kind of stuff.

I never put that picture up in the gallery here. In fact I don't think I put that picture up anywhere. I think it's always resided quietly on my computer. Unless, of course, like I said, some crazy drunken night or a time I completely blacked out.... :tongue:

fannsx said:
How do we know that you are the real owner?:biggrin:

"If I'm not me, den who da hell am I?" :biggrin:
Vega$ NSX said:
Yeah, I would do this if I feel like having my wanker cut off. I get the feeling my boss (i.e. girlfriend) wouldn't find the humor in this and she would take it out on poor Vega$ NSX Jr. :biggrin: Plus why go shopping for civics when I got an NSX in the garage (if you get my analogous drift). :tongue:

I never put that picture up in the gallery here. In fact I don't think I put that picture up anywhere. I think it's always resided quietly on my computer. Unless, of course, like I said, some crazy drunken night or a time I completely blacked out.... :tongue:

"If I'm not me, den who da hell am I?" :biggrin:

You should say hey nice NSX....why don't you come meet us at our monthly gathering. We would love to check out that NSX of yours. ;)