sold nsx, new owner unhappy, need opinions

satan_srv said:
split the cost


I don't think you are under any obligation to get it fixed for him in any event. But there was a statement saying that window regulators were installed. Spitting the cost would be the gentlemanly thing to do.
Ponyboy said:
... But there was a statement saying that window regulators were installed. Spitting the cost would be the gentlemanly thing to do.

What if the window started to have problems when Nicholas421 owned the car after a year. Do you think that the previous owner would have paid for the repair? There was no way to tell if they had been replaced other than: A) removing the panel and visually inspecting the "thingy", or B) noticing the symptoms of a failing window regulator.
Ehhh, I dunno.

I just think that if I had indicated that the window regs were installed but I didn't know for sure, splitting the cost would be something that I would do. Though I wouldn't begrudge nicholas421 if he decides that he doesn't want to.
Dont you dare!

Don't you dare pay for any of it!
Being nice is one thing but like others have said, Its been a year!
My car is 3 months old and I have found things with it that I should have discussed with the p.o. I would be crazy to call him now and say anything about any of my problems.
Its my car and I'll deal with it!
I am only happy he treated the car with kid gloves and let me have this experience with it.
Move on with your life and forget about it!
p.s. What if he had bought a Lotus Esprit! Yikes!!!
DON'T PAY A DAMN DIME!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are way too nice. You disclosed information to the best of your ability. Now, a damn year later, this &^%$# *&^% $%&** (*&^%*** guy has the balls to call/write you back. Good God give me a break!!! You owe him nothing but to tell him he bought a used car and to get it fixed on his own. People in this world never stop amazing me. USED means USED, unless otherwise written into the sales contract IMO.
I would agree. If the previous owner told you they were fixed, you had to trust him that they were as it is a pain to take the doors off the check.

It has been a year. He needs to deal with it on his own and leave you alone.
Hi Nick

I’d probably split the cost with him because I’m a nice guy. If I were him, I’d never bother the previous owner one year later because I’m a nice guy. Nice guys finish last. To me, it’d be worth the $250 just to keep things from getting nasty. I hate when things get nasty. I’d try to make it clear to the current owner that this is it—no more cash even if all four wheels fall off tomorrow. I’d also avoid all future correspondence and communication and future dealings with this guy because I don’t like dealing with not nice people.

For all you know Nick, the regulators were replaced and/or the person you bought it from was not being turthful. As we all know, when we buy a used car, we buy it as is and expect a discount to cover these sorts of things that always come up. To ask for cash one year later is a little desperate in my book.


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When I sold my Lexus SC400 I disclosed everything about the car that I knew about. The new owner had ample time to look over the car and have it checked out. 6 months after I get an e-mail from the guy saying that one of the rear speakers didn't work very well and that the car was leaking oil and tranny fluid.

I told them at the onset that I never listened to the stereo because I did not think it sounded that good and that the volume control created static. Also prior to selling the car it never leaked a drop of oil or tranny fliud. I ended up e-mailing the person back saying pretty much what I have here.... in addition to the fact I did not feel obligated or responsible for the issues with the car 6 months after it left my posession.

Add to that it was sold to a 17 year old male (who's father was purchasing it for him) which in my book may help explain all the issues they found.

I vote with my brother and others who have said, you don't owe the new owner anything.
If it makes you sleep better,

Other wise; it’s not your fault or responsibility. Don’t send him a dime! I would suggest spending the $100 on taking your wife out for a nice dinner! Considering neither if you get to enjoy driving in a NSX, you both deserve it!

You were more than honest about the condition of the NSX
nicholas421 said:
thanks everyone for the input. i offered to help the guy out with $100. he seems satisfied so hopefully thats the end of that.
Damn, you are a good man!! I wouldn't want any bad feeling either, even though he is way out of line here. You are a rare and dying breed sir.
nsxtasy said:

As for what to do, it's strictly a judgment call. (But I am surprised that the current owner is even bothering to hit you up for a repair costing at most five hundred dollars, a year after the purchase.)

I think that says it all, however spliting the cost is not unreasonable and you can't put a cost on character quality or your word even though you did nothing purposly mis-leading.
Tom Larkins said:
I think that says it all, however spliting the cost is not unreasonable and you can't put a cost on character quality or your word even though you did nothing purposly mis-leading.

True. But at what point does the sale of a USED car become final? If within a week or even a month the failure occurred, then I would feel that the buyer MIGHT be entitled to some compensation. However, a year plus has passed, and the buyer calling the seller back now is just unbelievable IMO. A brand new part could fail within this time frame. To top it off, the buyer is happy with a $100 towards a $500 repair!!! Why stop at 20%? I would have asked for dinner and some show tickets! I know that sounds stupid, but some people will take and take and take. Nicholas having a heart does not give the buyer any rights IMO on this subject.

My $0.02
LeftLane said:
I would tell him "Sorry about that, but there's nothing I can do for you. Good luck".

Exactly what I would say. It's definitely a slippery slope and I wouldn't offer him $100... what if the tranny goes next month? You told him (a year ago!) it was good!

Good luck,
Well very nice of you,,but if he ever calls back again with a similar request,,,,,send him our way!;)
Nicholas, you did the best thing! I would have done the same (since you said that they "should have been in" you felt a little guilty... at least I would)!

PS: of course you did not have to do this.
I know that Nicholas has already settled this but I'd like to use an example that recently happened to me.
I bought a used nsx that I was under the understanding the the tranny was opened and the snap ring issue repaired. Even the repair paperwork made suggestion to this being taken care of. Less than one year into my ownership my snap ring breaks. I knew full well that I was to expect nothing from the previous owner with regards to this.

There was more to the story that I found out when I called him to talk about this but I bore no ill feelings toward him or the shop that addressed this. I bought a used car and used car with a demon hiding was what I got. I told myself when I bought it, there will be some expensive repairs that I will bitch and moan about that if I can't live them them then maybe I shouldn't buy the car. You're buying a used car, if you're that worried about things going wrong, a thorough pre-purchase inspection is in order, not after the fact whining.

In the end, I called the shop who did the work prior, they remembered my car and what was done and actually fully took care of me. This was not the norm, nor what I was expecting to hear but because I wasn't a prick about things and was just looking for some direction someone (John Vasos :D ) made my experience so awesome I'm trying to find ways to give him more money when my major services come due.

This guy should be thankful only a window went and not his whole tranny!! JMTC
As for what to do, it's strictly a judgment call. (But I am surprised that the current owner is even bothering to hit you up for a repair costing at most five hundred dollars, a year after the purchase.)

You did a very nice thing, I'd be embarassed to call someone up after a year! I would have just bought the 17$ upgrade kit from sos sent his way and say its the best i can(willing to) do. (If i had mentioned i thought they were in there)
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Re: what if....

What do you mean when you say "different engine in it than it should"? I'm going to assume you mean the serial number does not match, but that it is the proper engine. Did you ask in advance about the engine? I guess it could be a bit tricky because for all we know the engine currently in your car could have far more miles on it than the odometer reflects, but it could also have far few miles on it as well. Legally, I'm not sure anything could be done. Heck, for all we know your seller didn't know either.